ACT Angličtina a Světové Znalosti - Vzhled a textura
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související se vzhledem a texturou, jako je „crease“, „malleable“, „porous“ atd., která vám pomohou zlepšit vaše ACT.
a measure of the height, length, or width of an object in a certain direction
the natural process of becoming smaller, tighter, or more compact
kontrakce, zmenšení
the act or process of compressing or reducing the volume of something, resulting in increased density
kompakce, zhuštění
a polished, flat surface on a gemstone or bone, crucial for reflecting light in gems and for articulation in bones
faseta, strana
the state or quality of being curved or bent, describing the shape or contour of an object or surface
křivost, zakřivení
a mark or spot on something or someone's skin that spoils the appearance
vada, skvrna
(of liquids) lacking in clarity for being mixed by other things such as sand or soil
zakalený, nejasný
not in any ways straight, with bends, curves, or disorganized angles
křivý, zaoblený
exhibiting a shimmering, rainbow-like play of colors, typically due to refraction of light
iridescentní, duhový
containing small holes or gaps, allowing liquid or air to pass through
porézní, prů permeabilní
hard to manage because of awkward form
nešikovný, nemotorný
changed from its original shape or form, often in a way that makes it appear twisted, misshapen, or unclear
zkreslený, deformovaný
having the quality of sticking or bonding objects together
adhezivní, lepivý
having a smooth and shiny texture, typically describing hair, fur, or skin that appears healthy and well-maintained
hladký, lesklý
having a flexible quality, capable of returning to its original shape after being stretched or compressed
elastický, flexibilní
real and tangible, existing in physical form that can be sensed or experienced
konkrétní, hmatatelný
thin, delicate, and feathery in appearance or texture
jemný, vláknitý
having a surface that rises and falls in gentle curves
vlnící, vlnkový
covered with small raised areas or irregularities, making it uneven to the touch
hrbolatý, nerovný
uneven, unkempt, or ragged in appearance
roztřepený, neuklizený
(of a fabric or garment) folded or gathered in a series of small, parallel folds
záhybovaný, skládaný
looking like a labyrinth, twisting and confusing
labyrintový, zákrutný
elaborately decorated or adorned with intricate details
zdobený, ornamentální
shaped like a slightly stretched-out circle or oval
eliptický, oválný
having the shape or characteristics of a tube
trubicový, ve tvaru trubky
shaped like an egg, with a rounded or elliptical form
ovoidní, ve tvaru vejce
capable of being hammered or manipulated into different forms without cracking or breaking
tvárný, pličný
unpleasantly damp and sticky, often referring to skin or surfaces that feel cool and moist to the touch
vlhký, lepivý
(of an appearance) not washed, neat, or cared for
nepoletný, zanedbaný
having small, fine wrinkles or creases on the surface, often producing a texture that is slightly rough or uneven
zmačkaný, vrásčitý
having the appearance or qualities that closely resemble or imitate real life
živý, realistický
to become something greater in quantity, importance, or size
rozšiřovat, vysunout
to reduce the volume or size of something by applying pressure, squeezing, or condensing it
stlačit, komprimovat
to stretch something in order to make it longer
prolongovat, natahovat
to cause fibers to become matted and compacted, resembling felt, typically through pressure, moisture, or agitation
plstit, plstění
to add color to something using a specific colored material or substance
pigmentovat, barevnit
to shape something, emphasizing its natural curves and outlines
konturovat, tvarovat
to make a dirty mark by rubbing or spreading something on a surface
zanechat skvrnu, rozmazat
to spread a substance over a surface in a messy or uneven manner
roztírat, zašpinit
to improve the appearance of something by adding things such as decorative pieces, colors, etc. to it
zdobit, vylepšit