Das Buch English File - Obere Mittelstufe - Lektion 6A
Hier finden Sie die Vokabeln aus Lektion 6A im English File Upper Intermediate-Kursbuch, wie zum Beispiel „Duvet“, „Snore“, „Insomnia“ usw.
to unexpectedly open one's mouth wide and deeply breathe in because of being bored or tired
gähnen, den Mund öffnen
a short period of sleep, typically taken during the day to refresh or rest
Nickerchen, Schläfchen
to breathe through one's nose and mouth in a noisy way while asleep
schnarchen, lautes Atmen im Schlaf
a large piece of fabric made of wool, cotton, or other materials that is used to keep warm or to provide comfort, used on beds, sofas, chairs, etc.
a large, thin, and rectangular piece of cloth that is spread on a bed to lie under or on top of it
Bettlaken, Blatt
a cloth bag stuffed with soft materials that we put our head on when we are lying or sleeping
a cover for one's bed that is made of two layers of cloth and is filled with feathers, cotton, or other soft materials
Bettdecke, Steppdecke
a medication taken to induce sleep or relieve insomnia
Schlafmittel, Schlaftablette
someone whose sleep is easily disturbed
leichter Schläfer, schlafen leicht
very deep in sleep and difficult to be woken up
tief schlafend, in tiefem Schlaf
to wake up later than one intended to
verschlafen, zu spät aufwachen
to adjust something to be in a suitable or desired condition for a specific purpose or use
einstellen, anpassen
a clock that makes a sound at a set time, used to wake up someone
Wecker, Alarm
to walk or do other actions while one is sleeping
schlafwandeln, im Schlaf wandeln