Interaktionen - Enmity
Entdecken Sie englische Redewendungen zum Thema Feindschaft mit Beispielen wie „duke it out“ und „have a bone to pick with“.
to hold negative feelings toward a person who has done one wrong in the past
to deliberately keep causing problems for someone or criticizing them
an attitude that shows one is angry or resentful because of an unfair behavior that they have experienced
a strong feeling of bitterness or hatred toward someone because of a past dispute or disagreement

schlechte Stimmung, Groll

to have an unsuccessful or unpleasant beginning in a relationship or activity
to intentionally and rudely display an offensive hand gesture, involving raising the middle finger while extending the others downward, as a sign of strong disapproval, annoyance, or disrespect toward someone
to have a problem with someone or be annoyed with them and want to tell them all about it
to emotionally harm someone through a significant act of betrayal or hurtful actions
to have an open conversation with someone to resolve the negative feelings with them that are caused by disagreements or misunderstandings