
تعاملات - دشمنی

اصطلاحات انگلیسی در مورد دشمنی را با مثال‌هایی مانند «دوک آن را بیرون کن» و «استخوانی برای انتخاب کردن داشته باشید» کاوش کنید.







شروع یادگیری
English idioms related to Interactions
to hold a grudge

to hold negative feelings toward a person who has done one wrong in the past

کینه به دل گرفتن

کینه به دل گرفتن

to have it in for sb

to deliberately keep causing problems for someone or criticizing them

با کسی چپ افتادن

با کسی چپ افتادن

chip on one's shoulder

an attitude that shows one is angry or resentful because of an unfair behavior that they have experienced

کینه (ناشی از رفتار ناعادلانه)

کینه (ناشی از رفتار ناعادلانه)

bad blood

a strong feeling of bitterness or hatred toward someone because of a past dispute or disagreement



to get off on the wrong foot

to have an unsuccessful or unpleasant beginning in a relationship or activity

شروع بدی داشتن (در یک رابطه یا فعالیت)

شروع بدی داشتن (در یک رابطه یا فعالیت)

to give sb the bird

to intentionally and rudely display an offensive hand gesture, involving raising the middle finger while extending the others downward, as a sign of strong disapproval, annoyance, or disrespect toward someone

انگشت وسط خود را به کسی نشان دادن (به نشان بی‌احترامی)

انگشت وسط خود را به کسی نشان دادن (به نشان بی‌احترامی)

to hate one's guts

to hate someone to an extreme degree

از کسی به‌شدت متنفر بودن

از کسی به‌شدت متنفر بودن

to have a bone to pick with sb

to have a problem with someone or be annoyed with them and want to tell them all about it

با کسی مشکل داشتن

با کسی مشکل داشتن

to put the knife in sb

to emotionally harm someone through a significant act of betrayal or hurtful actions

خون به جگر کردن

خون به جگر کردن

to clear the air

to have an open conversation with someone to resolve the negative feelings with them that are caused by disagreements or misunderstandings

کدورت‌ها را رفع کردن

کدورت‌ها را رفع کردن

to bury the hatchet

to build a good relationship with each other again after having disagreements about something

اختلافات را کنار گذاشتن

اختلافات را کنار گذاشتن

to duke it out

to argue or fight until a disagreement is resolved

(به منظور حل کدورت و ناراحتی‌ها) مشاجره کردن

(به منظور حل کدورت و ناراحتی‌ها) مشاجره کردن

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