
Durchhaltevermögen - Toleranz und Belastbarkeit

Tauchen Sie ein in englische Sprichwörter, die Toleranz und Widerstandsfähigkeit symbolisieren, wie „ertrage das Böse und erwarte Gutes“ und „lass sie lachen, die gewinnen“.







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a man who cannot tolerate small misfortunes, can never accomplish great things

used to imply that individuals who are unable to handle small setbacks or misfortunes will not be able to accomplish great things in life

Ein Mann, der kleine Unglücke nicht ertragen kann, kann niemals große Dinge vollbringen

Ein Mann, der kleine Unglücke nicht ertragen kann, kann niemals große Dinge vollbringen

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bear and forbear

used to encourage individuals to show patience, tolerance, and endurance while dealing with difficult situations or people, emphasizing the importance of acceptance over resistance

ertragen und ertragen

ertragen und ertragen

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bear with evil and expect good

used to imply that one should remain patient and endure difficult or negative situations with the hope or expectation that positive outcomes or results will eventually follow

ertrage das Böse und erwarte das Gute

ertrage das Böse und erwarte das Gute

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even a worm will turn

used to imply that all people will eventually get frustrated or fed up if they are continually wronged, even those who are very timid or obedient

Sogar ein Wurm wird sich drehen

Sogar ein Wurm wird sich drehen

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if you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen

used to imply that if someone is unable to handle the pressure or difficulties of a situation, they should remove themselves from it, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and avoiding excuses

it is a long lane that has no turning

used to emphasize that no matter how challenging or prolonged a situation may seem, there is always the possibility of change or improvement, encouraging individuals to persevere

oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm

used to suggest that adaptability and flexibility can sometimes be more advantageous than strength and power in overcoming challenges and surviving crises

Eichen können fallen, wenn das Schilf dem Sturm standhält

Eichen können fallen, wenn das Schilf dem Sturm standhält

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sticks and stones may break my bones

used to imply that physical violence or insults cannot harm a person's inner self, encouraging individuals to be resilient and not let negativity or criticism bring them down

what cannot be cured must be endured

used to emphasize the importance of accepting and enduring circumstances that cannot be changed or resolved

Was nicht geheilt werden kann, muss ertragen werden

Was nicht geheilt werden kann, muss ertragen werden

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cry with one eye and laugh with the other

used to highlight the concept of emotional resilience, being able to acknowledge and experience different emotions without being overwhelmed by any single one

let them laugh that win

used to suggest that individuals who are focused on their goals should not be discouraged by the laughter or ridicule of others but should instead continue to pursue their goals with determination

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