Sicherheit und Zweifel - Unsicherheit
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Unsicherheit wie „unconvinced“, „shaky“ und „reputed“.
generally perceived to exist or be the case despite being uncertain
used to say that something is true according to what people say, although it is uncertain
to make something, particularly a belief or idea, less certain
used to indicate a degree of expectation regarding something that is likely to happen
in some obscure manner or by some unspecified means that one does not know or understand thoroughly
used to suggest that something is assumed to be true, often with a hint of doubt
not firmly established or decided, with the possibility of changes in the future
vorübergehend und unsicher
in a way that is not certain or definite and might be changed later
used to express that no decision is made or no opinion is formed about something due to uncertainty
wenn in einer Angelegenheit noch keine Entscheidung getroffen wurde
used to imply that even when something seems certain or likely to happen, there are many opportunities for it to go wrong or for unexpected events to intervene before it is actually achieved
Es gibt viele Ausrutscher zwischen Tasse und Lippe
used to convey that something cannot happen under any given circumstances
es war unmöglich
having doubts about the validity or credibility of something
nicht überzeugt
having doubts about or no confidence in someone or something
used to express an opinion about which one is not certain
Hilfsverb zur Äußerung der eigenen Meinung