Βιβλίο Insight - Προχωρημένο - Λεξιλογική Ενόραση 1
Εδώ θα βρείτε τις λέξεις από το Vocabulary Insight 1 στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων Insight Advanced, όπως "alienation", "run-on", "impersonation" κ.λπ.
a role or position of guiding or influencing others by setting an example or taking the initiative
(usually plural) the things that are held, included, or contained within something
a piece of furniture designed to hold electronic instruments like radios or televisions
a continuation of a line of poetry to the next without a pause or punctuation at the end
to treat a person, group, or concept as insignificant or of secondary or minor importance
the act of pretending to be someone else, often with the intent to deceive or mislead others
in accordance with methods, beliefs, or customs that have remained unchanged for a long period of time
in a manner expressing the capability or likelihood of something happening or developing in the future
used to refer to someone who is extremely thin, often in an unattractive and unhealthy way
(of two things) to be closely connected to one another, particularly in a way that one of them causes the occurrence of another
to help a person get out of a situation that involves danger or difficulty
to become extremely scared or surprised, causing a strong physical reaction
the act of to physically or socially separating someone or something from others
a close relationship in which there is a good understanding and communication between people
the feeling that one is different from others and therefore not part of a particular group
a literary device where human qualities or characteristics are attributed to non-human entities, objects, or ideas
a figure of speech that combines two contradictory or contrasting terms to create a unique expression
a question that is not meant to be answered, but is instead used to make a point or to create emphasis or effect