
Kniha Insight - Pokročilý - Přehled slovní zásoby 1

Zde najdete slova z Vocabulary Insight 1 v učebnici Insight Advanced, jako je „alienation“, „run-on“, „impersonation“ atd.









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Insight - Advanced

a group of people or objects placed in a line

řada, linie

řada, linie

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to row

‌to have a noisy argument

hádat se, spor

hádat se, spor

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unwanted materials or items that have been discarded

odpad, kaly

odpad, kaly

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to refuse

to say or show one's unwillingness to do something that someone has asked

odmítnout, zamítnout

odmítnout, zamítnout

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a role or position of guiding or influencing others by setting an example or taking the initiative

vedení, směr

vedení, směr

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to lead

to be the cause of something

vést k, způsobit

vést k, způsobit

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all the things that are held, included, or contained in something else

obsah, následky

obsah, následky

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to content

to be satisfied or pleased with someone or something

uspokojit, potěšit

uspokojit, potěšit

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a small drop of salty liquid that comes out of one's eye when one is crying

slza, kapka

slza, kapka

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to tear

to forcibly pull something apart into pieces

trhat, roztrhnout

trhat, roztrhnout

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a piece of furniture designed to hold electronic instruments like radios or televisions

konzole, nábytek pro elektroniku

konzole, nábytek pro elektroniku

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to console

to help a person, who is either disappointed or emotionally suffering, feel better

utěšit, pohladit

utěšit, pohladit

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to progress

to develop into a more advanced or improved stage

pokročit, progresovat

pokročit, progresovat

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a non-living thing that one can touch or see



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completely without mistakes or flaws, reaching the best possible standard

dokonalý, dokonalá

dokonalý, dokonalá

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to transfer

to make a person or thing move from a place, situation, or person to another

přenést, transferovat

přenést, transferovat

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a continuation of a line of poetry to the next without a pause or punctuation at the end

bez přerušení, plynulý

bez přerušení, plynulý

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involving behaviors, actions, or decisions that are morally wrong

neetický, nemorální

neetický, nemorální

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to marginalize

to treat a person, group, or concept as insignificant or of secondary or minor importance

marginalizovat, podceňovat

marginalizovat, podceňovat

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the act of pretending to be someone else, often with the intent to deceive or mislead others

napodobení, fingování

napodobení, fingování

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with the use of computers or electronic devices

digitálně, v digitální podobě

digitálně, v digitální podobě

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in a manner that causes sudden concern or fear

alarmujícím způsobem, znepokojujícím způsobem

alarmujícím způsobem, znepokojujícím způsobem

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in accordance with methods, beliefs, or customs that have remained unchanged for a long period of time

tradičně, podle tradice

tradičně, podle tradice

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in a manner expressing the capability or likelihood of something happening or developing in the future

potenciálně, možná

potenciálně, možná

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the process or act of subjecting someone to harm, mistreatment, or abuse

oběť, útisk

oběť, útisk

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for a limited period of time



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the act of breaking a legal code

porušení, narušení

porušení, narušení

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in a way that is related to someone's mind or emotions

psychologicky, z psychologického hlediska

psychologicky, z psychologického hlediska

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in a way that is related to money or its management



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skin and bone

used to refer to someone who is extremely thin, often in an unattractive and unhealthy way

to go hand in hand

(of two things) to be closely connected to one another, particularly in a way that one of them causes the occurrence of another

to save one's skin / neck

to help a person get out of a situation that involves danger or difficulty

to jump out of one's skin

to become extremely scared or surprised, causing a strong physical reaction

bone of contention

a subject over which people disagree

close at hand

about to happen very soon

to make no bones about something

to not hesitate to do or say what one truly wants

to transform

to change the appearance, character, or nature of a person or object

transformovat, změnit

transformovat, změnit

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to determine

to learn of and confirm the facts about something through calculation or research

určit, stanovit

určit, stanovit

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to shape

to give something a particular form

tvořit, modelovat

tvořit, modelovat

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to revert

to go back to a previous state, condition, or behavior

vrátit se, revertovat

vrátit se, revertovat

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to enhance

to better or increase someone or something's quality, strength, value, etc.

vylepšit, zvýšit

vylepšit, zvýšit

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a sense of discontent, particularly towards a governing system

neječnost, odcizení

neječnost, odcizení

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the act of to physically or socially separating someone or something from others

izolace, oddělení

izolace, oddělení

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a close relationship in which there is a good understanding and communication between people

vztah, společnost

vztah, společnost

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an organization of people who have a common purpose

sdružení, organizace

sdružení, organizace

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the feeling of being happy or comfortable in a specific situation or group

příslušnost, pocit příslušnosti

příslušnost, pocit příslušnosti

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‌the feeling that one is different from others and therefore not part of a particular group

odejmutí, odcizení

odejmutí, odcizení

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the act of repeating a word or phrase in a passage as a rhetorical device



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the practice of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas, objects, etc. in literature or art



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a figure of speech that combines two contradictory or contrasting terms to create a unique expression

oxymóron, oxymor

oxymóron, oxymor

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rhetorical question

a question that is not meant to be answered, but is instead used to make a point or to create emphasis or effect

rétorická otázka, otázka bez odpovědi

rétorická otázka, otázka bez odpovědi

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the figurative language in literature by which the audience can form vivid mental images

obraznost, představa

obraznost, představa

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