Adverbios de Modo Relacionados con Humanos - Adverbios de bondad e indiferencia
Estos adverbios indican el nivel de afecto o la falta del mismo en el comportamiento de alguien, como "gentilmente", "con amor", "fríamente", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
in a kind, polite, or enjoyable manner
amablemente, agradablemente
with affection, kindness, or deep care
con cariño, amorosamente
in a gentle, affectionate, or caring manner
tiernamente, con ternura
in a manner that shows warmth, love, or fondness
con cariño, afectuosamente
in a manner characterized by kindness, politeness, and a willingness to be considerate or generous
graciosamente, con gracia
in a generous and kind-hearted manner
generosamente, con generosidad
willingly and readily doing something to assist or please others
de buena gana, con gusto
in a manner that displays one's tolerance of difficulties, delays, and bad behaviors without becoming annoyed or angry
pacientemente, con paciencia
in a way that shows the ability to consider and understand the feelings of others
empáticamente, de manera empática
in a manner that displays support or understanding
in a friendly and polite manner
cordialmente, de manera cordial
in a friendly and cooperative manner
amistosamente, de manera amistosa
in a way that shows awareness and consideration
sensiblemente, de manera delicada
in a way that reflects a lack of expression, emotion, or understanding
sin expresión, con mirada en blanco
in a manner lacking friendliness or emotion
fríamente, sin calidez
with a lack of interest or enthusiasm
sin interés, de manera desabrida