Advérbios de Modo Relacionados aos Humanos - Advérbios de Bondade e Indiferença
Esses advérbios indicam o nível de afeto ou a falta dele no comportamento de alguém, como “gentilmente”, “carinhosamente”, “friamente”, etc.
in a manner that shows warmth, love, or fondness

carinhosamente, afetuosamente

in a manner characterized by kindness, politeness, and a willingness to be considerate or generous

graciosamente, com graça

willingly and readily doing something to assist or please others

de bom grado, prontamente

in a manner that displays one's tolerance of difficulties, delays, and bad behaviors without becoming annoyed or angry

pacientemente, com paciência

in a way that shows the ability to consider and understand the feelings of others

empaticamente, de maneira empática

in a manner that displays support or understanding

simpatizante, com compreensão

in a way that shows awareness and consideration

sensivelmente, de forma sensível