احساسات - Annoyance
تسلط بر اصطلاحات انگلیسی در مورد مزاحمت ها، مانند "cheesed off" و "مانند خرس با سر درد".
constantly annoying and interrupting others and their work

سد راه, در دست و پا، مانع پیشرفت
to do something that gradually makes someone angry or upset

اعصاب کسی را خرد کردن
to do or say something that really annoys, upsets, or offends others

کسی را ناراحت یا عصبانی کردن
to cause someone to become extremely angry or upset without intending to

کسی را (ناخواسته) ناراحت یا عصبانی کردن
to make someone become really annoyed or angry

کسی را آزار دادن, کسی را عصبانی کردن
to not have the tolerance to endure more of something

کاسه صبر کسی لبریز شدن, طاقت کسی به سر آمدن
to really annoy or frustrate someone

کسی را عصبانی کردن, کسی آزار دادن، کسی را کلافه کردن
to stop bothering someone so that they can have peace or freedom from annoyance or interference

دست از سر کسی برداشتن
to start one's day with a bad mood, without any reason in particular

از دنده چپ بلند شدن
to make someone really mad by constantly doing something that angers or annoys them

رو اعصاب کسی رفتن, کسی را کلافه کردن
showing a very bad mood and reacting unpleasantly to things that would not normally be a problem

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