کتاب 'فور کرنرز' 2 - واحد 6 درس ج
در اینجا واژگان واحد 6 درس C را در کتاب درسی Four Corners 2، مانند "تکرار"، "تجاری"، "مسافت" و غیره پیدا خواهید کرد.
املای کلمه
to store information in a way that can be used in the future

ضبط کردن, ذخیره کردن، ثبت کردن
to skip ahead in a video or audio recording to get to a later part

به جلو بردن, سرعت بخشیدن

to deliberately and quickly move past or jump over certain sections or portions of media, such as audio tracks, video segments, or chapters

پریدن, رد کردن

a small device that lets you control electrical or electronic devices like TVs from a distance

کنترل (تلویزیون و غیره)
an electronic device with a screen that receives television signals, on which we can watch programs

an object sent into space to travel around the earth and send or receive information

ماهواره فضایی
at a time following the current or mentioned moment, without specifying exactly when

بعداً, دیرتر
any movie, picture, note, etc. designed to promote products or services to the public

تبلیغات, آگهی
to look at a thing or person and pay attention to it for some time

تماشا کردن, نگاه کردن
to activate a device, such as a disc or music player, to produce audio or display recorded images

پخش کردن (موسیقی و فیلم)
a series of episodes broadcast on television that tells a story or provides entertainment, usually consisting of a specific genre or format

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