
پشتکار - ابزار و راه حل

ضرب المثل های انگلیسی را در مورد ابزارها و راه حل ها، از جمله "مراقبت، درمان نیست" و "هرجا اراده باشد، راهی وجود دارد" کاوش کنید.







شروع یادگیری
you cannot make bricks without straw

used to imply that attempting to complete a task without the proper tools or resources will result in failure or subpar results

شما نمی توانید آجر را بدون کاه بسازید

شما نمی توانید آجر را بدون کاه بسازید

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where there is a will, there is a way

used to emphasize that if a person is determined enough to do something, they will find a way to do it, regardless of the obstacles or challenges

خواستن توانستن است

خواستن توانستن است

if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem

used to suggest that not taking action to solve a problem is equivalent to contributing to it

dirty water will quench (any) fire

used to imply that sometimes a quick solution to a problem may seem effective, but it can actually cause more harm than good

distant water will not quench your immediate thirst

used to imply that a solution or resource that is far away or inaccessible cannot address an immediate need or problem, emphasizing the need for practical and immediate solutions

آب دور تشنگی فوری شما را برطرف نمی کند

آب دور تشنگی فوری شما را برطرف نمی کند

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least said, soonest mended

used to suggest that sometimes it is best to say as little as possible about a problem or conflict in order to avoid making it worse

care is no cure

used to suggest that simply being concerned or worried about a problem or situation is not enough to solve it

مراقبت هیچ درمانی نیست

مراقبت هیچ درمانی نیست

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if you are in a hole, stop digging

used to imply that when one finds oneself in a difficult situation, it is important to stop doing things that are making it worse and instead focus on finding a solution

اگر در چاله ای هستید، حفاری را متوقف کنید

اگر در چاله ای هستید، حفاری را متوقف کنید

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