
Influence et Implication - Renversement d'une situation

Plongez dans des expressions anglaises concernant le renversement d'une situation, comme « renversez la situation » et « la chaussure est sur l'autre pied ».







Commencer à apprendre
English idioms related to Influence & Involvement
to turn the tables

to quickly turn a disadvantageous circumstance into a beneficial one

changer la situation en sa faveur

changer la situation en sa faveur

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to turn the tide

to change an unfavorable situation so that it works to one's advantage

retourner la situation en sa faveur

retourner la situation en sa faveur

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to laugh on the other side of one's face

to say that someone's happiness or success will not last long as the situation is about to change

the shoe is on the other foot

used to refer to a situation that has completely changed in one's favor

la situation a complètement changé

la situation a complètement changé

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the worm turn

used to refer to a sudden change in a situation where one or a group of people who were weak, unsuccessful, oppressed, etc. become strong, successful, liberated, etc.

quand la situation change complètement

quand la situation change complètement

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weal and woe

the contrasting experiences of both prosperity and adversity that individuals may encounter in life

circonstances à la fois favorables et défavorables

circonstances à la fois favorables et défavorables

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the tide turn

used to say that a person's opinion or a situation has changed

le vent tourne

le vent tourne

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