
Qualités - Caractère superficiel

Découvrez comment des proverbes anglais comme « un beau visage peut cacher un mauvais cœur » et « les eaux calmes coulent profondément » décrivent la superficialité en anglais.







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a good face needs no paint

used to imply that a person's true beauty lies in their virtues, personality, and inner qualities, which surpass the need for external enhancements

un bon visage n'a pas besoin de peinture

un bon visage n'a pas besoin de peinture

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a fair face may hide a foul heart

used to warn that appearances can be deceiving, so it is important to look beyond a person's outward appearance or charm to understand their true character or intentions

un beau visage peut cacher un mauvais cœur

un beau visage peut cacher un mauvais cœur

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a monkey in silk is a monkey no less

used to say that external appearances or material possessions do not change one's true nature or inherent qualities

un singe en soie n'est pas moins un singe

un singe en soie n'est pas moins un singe

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every couple is not a pair

used to suggest that people's lives and relationships may appear better or more ideal from a distance, but the reality may be different when seen up close

tous les couples ne sont pas une paire

tous les couples ne sont pas une paire

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outside noisy, inside empty

used to imply the importance of a rich inner life for true satisfaction, as external success cannot guarantee inner fulfillment, and even the successful may feel empty or unhappy

dehors bruyant, intérieur vide

dehors bruyant, intérieur vide

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shallow streams make most din

used to suggest that those who make the most noise or attract the most attention may not have much depth or substance to their words or actions

les ruisseaux peu profonds font le plus de vacarme

les ruisseaux peu profonds font le plus de vacarme

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still waters run deep

used to imply that people or things that appear calm or unremarkable on the surface may actually have great depth or complexity

il faut se méfier de l'eau qui dort

il faut se méfier de l'eau qui dort

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you can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig

used to convey the idea that no matter how much one tries to disguise or enhance the appearance of something or someone, their true nature or essence remains unchanged

tu peux mettre du rouge à lèvres sur un cochon, mais ça reste un cochon

tu peux mettre du rouge à lèvres sur un cochon, mais ça reste un cochon

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all are not thieves that dogs bark at

used to imply that people should not be judged solely based on accusations or appearances, and that it's important to assess the facts and evidence before making any conclusions

tous ne sont pas des voleurs contre lesquels les chiens aboient

tous ne sont pas des voleurs contre lesquels les chiens aboient

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the bait hides the hook

used to warn that people or situations may be deliberately deceptive, and that it is important to be cautious and discerning in order to avoid being taken advantage of or harmed

bitter pills may have blessed effects

used to imply that sometimes unpleasant experiences or difficult decisions may have positive or beneficial outcomes over time

les pilules amères peuvent avoir des effets bénéfiques

les pilules amères peuvent avoir des effets bénéfiques

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cold hands, warm heart

used to suggest that people should not judge others based solely on their outward demeanor or behavior, as someone who appears cold or distant may actually be warm and caring

everyone's faults are not written in their forehead

used to imply that people should not be judged or criticized based solely on their external appearance or behavior, as underlying factors may not be immediately apparent

les défauts de chacun ne sont pas écrits sur leur front

les défauts de chacun ne sont pas écrits sur leur front

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not think there are no crocodiles (just) because the water is calm

used to emphasize that even in seemingly safe situations, people should be aware of potential dangers and threats

je ne pense pas qu'il n'y ait pas de crocodiles simplement parce que l'eau est calme

je ne pense pas qu'il n'y ait pas de crocodiles simplement parce que l'eau est calme

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the lion is not so fierce, as he (too) is painted

use to imply that appearances or reputations can be deceiving and should not be relied upon to judge someone or something's true character or abilities

le lion n'est pas si féroce, car lui aussi est peint

le lion n'est pas si féroce, car lui aussi est peint

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