Verbes de Relations de Pouvoir - Verbes pour exercer le pouvoir
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques verbes anglais faisant référence à l'exercice du pouvoir, tels que « contrôler », « gouverner » et « asservir ».
to have power over a person, company, country, etc. and to decide how things should be done

contrôler, commander
to officially have the control and authority to rule over a country and manage its affairs

to act with excessive, unfair authority or harshness

tyranniser, dominer de manière tyrannique

to place a crown on someone's head in a ceremony so that person officially becomes a king or queen

to settle and build communities in new, often unexplored, areas

coloniser, s'installer

to begin to be in charge of something, often previously managed by someone else

prendre le contrôle de
to gain control and governance over a person, group, or territory, often through conquest or forceful means

subjuguer, assujettir, asservir
to force someone into a condition of forced labor or work

réduire en esclavage, asservir

to show which candidate one wants to win in an election or which plan one supports, by marking a piece of paper, raising one's hand, etc.

to formally vote or make a choice, especially in elections, by marking a paper

voter, bulletiner

to ask people specific questions to gather their opinions or preferences on a particular subject

sondage, interroger

to promote or advertise something, typically in a sustained and organized way

faire campagne, militer

to make an attempt to persuade politicians to agree or disagree with a law being made or changed

faire du lobbying
to passionately campaign or fight, often with a religious or moral purpose

se battre (pour une cause), lutter (pour une cause)
to write and submit an official written document

pétitionner, demander par pétition