खाद्य सामग्री - ड्रूप फल
यहां आप अंग्रेजी में ड्रूप फलों के नाम सीखेंगे जैसे "चेरी", "नेक्टेरिन", और "पीच"।
समीक्षा करें
a tropical fruit with sweet and tangy flesh, commonly found in Central and South America


a small, peach-like drupe with a sweet and tangy flavor

जंगली आड़ू, जंगली आड़ू का फल

a small, tart fruit that grows on wild cherry trees and is often used in culinary preparations

जंगली चेरी, खट्टा चेरी

a soft and juicy fruit that has a pit in the middle and its skin has extremely little hairs on it


a small, round fruit with a tangy flavor and bright red color

खट्टा चेरी, मीठा चेरी

a small, edible fruit produced by the sand cherry shrub, characterized by its sweet and tangy flavor with a hint of tartness

रेतुचुका, रेत की चेरी

a tropical fruit similar to rambutan, known for its sweet and juicy flesh

पुलासन, रामबूतान के समान उष्णकटिबंधीय फल

a small, tart fruit native to South America with a bright red or orange skin

पिटांगा, ब्राज़ीलिया चेरी

a small, bright red cherries that grow on the pin cherry tree

पिन चेरी, छोटी पिन चेरी

a small, tangy fruit native to South Asia, known for its refreshing taste and cooling properties


the edible fruit of the Partridgeberry plant, which is small and red


a small green fruit with a bitter taste, commonly used in traditional medicine and skincare products

नीम, नीम फल

a tropical fruit with a sweet and juicy flesh, similar to a lychee, and it is native to Southeast Asia

लौंगन, लौंगन फल

a small, sweet fruit with a chewy texture and a flavor reminiscent of dates or apples

जुजूब, जुज्बा

a small tropical fruit known for its bright red color and high vitamin C content

एसरोल, बारबडोस चेरी

a very small, typically green fruit with a hard seed and a bitter taste, eaten or used to extract oil from


a round yellow fruit that is acidic in taste and single-seeded, growing on bushes in Japan, china and the Middle East

लोकोट, जापानी लोकोट

a blackish fruit that grows in the North America, eaten by birds or wild animals

काला चेरी, काली चेरी

a small, tart fruit used primarily for making Maraschino liqueur and other cherry-flavored products

मारास्का चेरी, खट्टा मारास्का चेरी

a type of sweet and juicy dessert plum with a distinct reddish-purple skin and yellow flesh

विक्टोरिया प्लम, मीठा विक्टोरिया प्लम

a variety of cherry known for its luscious, sugary flavor and juicy flesh

मीठा चेरी, चीनी चेरी

a small fruit enclosed in a papery husk, known for its tart and sweet flavor

फिजालिस, कागज के फलों

variety of cherry with a distinctive heart-shaped appearance, characterized by a pronounced cleft at the stem end

हृदय चेरी, हृदय के आकार की चेरी