सी2 स्तर की शब्द सूची - ध्वनि
यहां आप ध्वनि के बारे में बात करने के लिए सभी आवश्यक शब्द सीखेंगे, जो विशेष रूप से स्तर C2 शिक्षार्थियों के लिए एकत्र किए गए हैं।
समीक्षा करें
(of a sound) having tones that clash or sound unpleasant together
विसंगत, असंगत
having a loud, sharp, and resonant sound, often characterized by the collision or striking of metal objects
ध्वन्युक्त, गूंजते
(of a sound) so harsh and unpleasant that creates a strong sense of disturbance
कर्कश, चौंकाने वाला
producing a loud, harsh, and intense sound, often characterized by its overwhelming volume and piercing quality
गंभीर, धमाकेदार
producing a harsh, discordant sound, often characterized by a series of clashing or clinking noises
झनझनाते हुए, कलहकारी
having a murmuring sound, like that of whispering or the wind through leaves
फुसफुसाते, किसी के कान में बताने वाला
(of a speech sound) having a hissing or hushing effect, as in "s," "sh," or "z"
सिबिलेंट, सरसराहट
expressing feelings or opinions, loudly and forcefully
गर्जनशील, शोरगुल वाला
loud and harsh-sounding, often causing discomfort or irritation
कर्कश, तिर्यक
to make a loud, harsh, piercing sound, like that of tires sliding on pavement
चिल्लाना, टायरों की चीख
to make a murmuring or bubbling sound, often associated with the movement of water
गुनगुनाना, खोलना