C2 Szintű Szólista - Tudományos területek és tanulmányok
Itt megtanulhatja az összes lényeges szót a tudományos területekről és tanulmányokról való beszélgetéshez, amelyeket kifejezetten a C2-es tanulók számára gyűjtöttek össze.
the scientific study of climates, including long-term patterns of temperature, humidity, wind, and other atmospheric conditions


the study of how communication and control work in living organisms and machines, focusing on information flow, feedback, and system regulation


the scientific study of human movement, encompassing the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics involved in physical activity


the branch of physics that studies celestial objects and phenomena in the universe, such as stars, galaxies, and cosmic radiation


the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of particles at the smallest scales, governed by principles such as superposition and uncertainty

kvantummechanika, kvantumfizika

the branch of physiology concerning with the functioning of the nervous system


the science or process of deliberately modifying the features of a living organism by changing its genetic information

genetikai mérnökség

a physics framework describing forces and particles as interactions within fields

kvantumtérelmélet, kvantummezőelmélet

the branch of biology that focuses on the study of the structure and function of genes at the molecular level

molekuláris genetika

the study of how the brain processes thoughts and behaviors

kognitív idegtudomány, idegsejt-kogníció

the branch of medical science that is concerned with the components of the body's immune system


the branch in medicine that primarily focuses on the distribution and control of diseases


the scientific study of earthquakes and seismic waves, providing insights into Earth's interior, tectonic plate movement, and earthquake hazards

földrengés tudomány, geofizika

a branch of geology that focuses on the study of volcanoes, volcanic activity, and related phenomena


the discipline that focuses on the study of water distribution, movement, and quality on Earth's surface and underground


the discipline that focuses on the scientific study of animal behavior, including its evolutionary origins and ecological significance


the branch of medicine and physiology dealing with the endocrine system that controls the hormones in one's body


the branch of medical science that primarily focuses on the study of viruses and virus-like agents


the branch of zoology that focuses on the study of reptiles and amphibians

herpetológia, a hüllők és kétéltűek tanulmányozásával foglalkozó zoológiai ág

the scientific study of fish including their biology, behavior, classification etc.

ihthyológia, halak tudománya

a branch of medical science that specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer


the study of inland aquatic ecosystems, including lakes, rivers, ponds, and wetlands


a branch of medical science primarily focusing on the study of the causes and effects of disease or injury


a branch of engineering and physics that deals with the mechanical properties of gases, especially air, and the application of pressurized air to produce motion or mechanical effects

pneumatika, pneumatika