C2 Szintű Szólista - Geology
Itt megtanulhatja a geológiáról beszéléshez szükséges összes lényeges szót, amelyeket kifejezetten a C2 szintű tanulók számára gyűjtöttek össze.
the scientific study of the Earth's lithosphere and the processes that shape its structure, including the movement of tectonic plates, earthquakes, and volcanic activity
tektonika, a tektonika tanulmányozása
a large, rigid section of the Earth's lithosphere that moves, leading to geological activity like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
tektonikus lemez, földtani lemez
(in geology) a narrow break or crack that partially divides a rock or surface without completely separating it
repedés, hasadék
a geological process where one tectonic plate moves under another and sinks into the Earth's mantle
szubdukció, tektonikus szubdukció
the gravitational balance between Earth's rigid lithosphere and the underlying, semi-fluid asthenosphere, influencing variations in surface elevation
the Earth's rigid outer layer, made up of the crust and upper mantle, and divided into tectonic plates
a layer of semi-fluid rock beneath the Earth's crust that allows tectonic plates to move
a landscape formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks, characterized by sinkholes, caves, and underground drainage systems
karst, karstvidék
the geological process of mountain building, usually occurring due to the collision or convergence of tectonic plates
a hollow rock with a cavity inside, lined with crystals or mineral material, formed through natural processes and often valued for its aesthetic qualities
geoda, üreges kő
a volcanic rock that often contains diamonds, formed during explosive eruptions from the Earth's mantle, and is of particular interest in diamond exploration and mining
kimberlit, kimberlit kőzet
the geological process involving the expansion and movement of glaciers, shaping landscapes through erosion, deposition, and the formation of distinctive glacial landforms
gleccsalakítás, jégkorszak
a deposit of rocks, sediment, and glacial material left by a moving glacier, forming distinctive landforms along its edges or terminus
moréna, gleccsermaradvány
a streamlined, elongated hill formed by glacial action, with a teardrop shape and the steeper end facing the direction of ice movement
a large, basin-shaped volcanic crater formed by the collapse of a volcano after a massive eruption
kaldéra, vulkanikus kráter
the physical and chemical changes occurring in sediments between their deposition and their consolidation into sedimentary rock
diagenézis, diagenesis
a complete change in the form and structure of a rock as a result of heat and pressure
the process by which particles settle out of a liquid or gas due to gravity, forming a sediment layer
the movement or displacement along a fracture in the Earth's crust, resulting from tectonic forces, which can lead to earthquakes
hibásodás, elmozdulás
a layer of rock or sediment that stores and transmits groundwater
víztározó, vízadagoló réteg
a hard lump or mass formed in sedimentary rock by natural cementing processes
konkréció, kemény tömeg
a large body of igneous rock formed beneath the Earth's surface from magma that has cooled and solidified
pluton, plutonikus test
(in geology) the bending or deformation of rock layers due to compressional forces
hajlítás, gyűrődés
the process during which a building or piece of land sinks to a lower level or to the ground
süllyedés, süllyedés
(geology) the injection of magma into existing rock formations underground
intrúzió, magma injekció
(geology) the fine-grained material surrounding larger rock fragments or grains within a sedimentary rock
mátrix, kötőanyag