Orvostudomány - Működéssel és vizsgálattal kapcsolatos igék
Itt elsajátíthat néhány, a művelettel és vizsgálattal kapcsolatos angol igét, mint például a "stitch", "tapint" és a "catheterize".
to surgically remove an organ from someone's body and put it in someone else's body

átültetni, átültetés

to prepare someone for a surgical procedure, often by cleaning the skin or other body surface and applying antiseptic solutions

elő készíteni, műtétre készíteni

to carefully cut apart the body or one of its parts to display internal structures for scientific examination or instruction

boncolni, dissectálni

to surgically implant a piece of skin, bone, etc. to a damaged or diseased one

átültetni, graftálni

to insert a living tissue or an artificial object into the body via medical procedure

beültet, beszúr

to make decorative cuts or markings into the surface of a material by using a sharp-pointed or sharp-edged tool

bevágni, vésni

to cut open a part of the body in order to repair or remove a damaged organ

operálni, műtétet végezni

to surgically remove a body part, such as a limb or organ, often due to injury, disease, or medical necessity

amputálni, levágni

to cut off the foreskin of a boy's or man's penis as a religious rite, particularly in Islam and Judaism

körülmetélni, körülmetélés

to find out the cause of a problem or disease that a person has by examining the symptoms

diagnózist felállít, meghatároz

to look at something or someone carefully to find potential issues

megvizsgálni, ellenőrizni

to examine the body by feeling with hands for abnormalities or structures during a medical examination

tapintani, kézzel megvizsgálni

(of a medical device) to take a picture of a body part often using X-rays for detailed examinations by a specialist

beolvasni, képet készíteni

to examine and test a person in order to check if they are sick or not

szűrni, ellenőrizni

to examine the bones or internal organs using x-rays

röntgenezni, röntgenfelvételt készíteni