Kosakata Lanjutan untuk GRE - Dari Rags menjadi Kekayaan
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris tentang uang dan bisnis, seperti "divestasi", "slack", "frugal", dll. yang diperlukan untuk ujian GRE.
Kartu flash
to rob someone of their money by either overcharging or tricking them
to legally form a company or organization and to give it a separate legal identity from its owners
to enforce a type of payment, such as fees, taxes, or fines and collect them
menegakkan dan memungut biaya, pajak, dll.
to not put in the required amount of effort, care, energy, or attention toward one's responsibilities or obligations
to financially support a project, activity, etc. and take responsibility for potential loss
a thing or method that protects one against potential problems, particularly financial ones
metode yang digunakan untuk mencegah kerugian finansial
the quality of being against generosity and the freedom of thought, action, and expression
something a merchant gives a customer as a bonus after a purchase
a thing that reduces or neutralizes the effect of another thing
pengganti kerugian
a position that is not demanding or difficult but pays well
pekerjaan mudah namun menguntungkan
an individual who is in the habit of spending money in a careless and wasteful way
a fixed amount of money given to a person regularly as an allowance or salary
the willingness to do something that is immoral or dishonest for money
hal makan sogok
(of prices) unreasonably or extremely high
harga yang tinggi dan tidak masuk akal
incapable of fulfilling financial obligations due to a lack of money
(of a conflict, struggle, or fight) taking place among the people that are from the same country, belief system, group, organization, etc.
habitually spending money or other resources in a reckless, extravagant, and wasteful way
planning and preparing for the future, particularly by managing one's finances