Pekerjaan & Uang - Kolaborasi & Kerja Tim
Pelajari idiom bahasa Inggris mengenai kolaborasi dan kerja tim, seperti "bermain bola dengan" dan "tangan dan sarung tangan".
Kartu flash
to cooperate, work together, or engage in a mutually beneficial interaction or partnership with someone
bekerja sama satu sama lain
surpassing in terms of quality or effectiveness when working as a whole rather than individually
efektif sebagai sebuah kelompok
to complete one's responsibilities regarding a group task, project, work, etc.
melakukan bagian tugasnya
two individuals who managed to plan and get something done together
bermitra dalam sesuatu
used to describe a close and cooperative relationship between two people or parties, often with the goal of achieving a common objective
tangan dan sarung tangan