
일과 돈 - 협업 및 팀워크

"play ball with", "hand and Globe"와 같은 협업과 팀워크에 관한 영어 관용어를 알아보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Work & Money
in harness

with one another to achieve an aim

같은 목표를 향해 함께

같은 목표를 향해 함께

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to play ball with sb

to cooperate, work together, or engage in a mutually beneficial interaction or partnership with someone

서로 협력하다

서로 협력하다

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to do one's bit

to fulfill one's share of responsibilities

자신의 몫의 의무를 다하고

자신의 몫의 의무를 다하고

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more than the sum of its parts

surpassing in terms of quality or effectiveness when working as a whole rather than individually

그룹으로 효과적

그룹으로 효과적

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to pull one's weight

to complete one's responsibilities regarding a group task, project, work, etc.

자신의 몫의 의무를 다하고

자신의 몫의 의무를 다하고

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partner in crime

two individuals who managed to plan and get something done together

무언가의 파트너

무언가의 파트너

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hand and glove

used to describe a close and cooperative relationship between two people or parties, often with the goal of achieving a common objective

손과 장갑

손과 장갑

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all hands on deck

used for saying that everyone's assistance is needed for a situation, particularly a difficult one

모든 구성원의 참여가 필요함

모든 구성원의 참여가 필요함

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