Preposisi Majemuk - Kesesuaian & Koneksi
Kuasai preposisi majemuk bahasa Inggris untuk kesesuaian dan koneksi, seperti "sejalan dengan" dan "dalam sifat".
Kartu flash
used to convey that someone or something is conforming to a particular standard, guideline, or expectation
sesuai dengan
occurring simultaneously or alongside something else
secara paralel dengan
moving at the same pace, rhythm, or level as someone or something else
seirama dengan
used to show that two or more people or things are working together or happening at the same time to achieve a common goal
bersamaan dengan
acting or happening together in perfect agreement or harmony
serentak dengan
in accordance with a specific rule, guideline, or standard
sesuai dengan
in harmony with a particular idea, opinion, or viewpoint
sesuai dengan
adhering to a specific rule, regulation, or requirement
sesuai dengan
in accordance with a particular standard, expectation, or norm
sesuai dengan
used to indicate a matching or parallel relationship with something else
dalam kesesuaian dengan
having characteristics or qualities similar to a particular type or category
dalam sifat
used to show compliance with a specific rule, guideline, or standard
sesuai dengan
in the act of carrying out or achieving a task, duty, or obligation as required or expected
dalam pelaksanaan