Sastra - Distribusi Buku
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan distribusi buku seperti "archive", "commissioning", dan "launch event".
Kartu flash
a unique identifier assigned to books and other monographic publications
Nomor Buku Standar Internasional, Pengidentifikasi unik untuk buku
a unique identifier assigned by to products listed on their website
ASIN, pengidentifikasi Amazon
a barcode symbology used for tracking trade items in stores, and it consists of a unique 12-digit code assigned to each product
kode batang UPC, simbologi UPC
a set of standardized codes used in the book industry to classify and categorize books based on their subject matter
a place or a collection of records or documents of historical importance
arsip, koleksi
the legal rights granted to a person or entity to produce, distribute, and sell audio versions of a written work, such as a book, to the public
hak audio, hak suara
a large event where publishers, booksellers, authors, and readers come together to showcase and promote books
pameran buku, festival buku
a series of public appearances by an author, typically at bookstores, libraries, and literary festivals, to promote and market their recently published book
tur buku, tur promosi buku
a shop that sells books, magazines, and sometimes stationery
toko buku, penjual buku
the process of creating bibliographic descriptions and assigning standardized metadata to books and other library materials for organization and access
katalogisasi, pencatatan
a publishing arrangement in which two or more publishers from different countries or language regions collaborate to publish and market a book
koedisi, kerjasama penerbitan
the process of selecting and acquiring materials, such as books, journals, and databases, for a library or other information resource center, based on the needs and interests of the community it serves
pengembangan koleksi, manajemen koleksi
a global organization that represents the interests of libraries and information professionals worldwide
IFLA (Federasi Asosiasi Perpustakaan Internasional), IFLA (Organisasi global yang mewakili kepentingan perpustakaan)
the act of hiring or assigning a person, group, or company to create or produce a particular work, such as a book, artwork, or music
penugasan, komisi
the process of reviewing and correcting written material to improve accuracy, readability, and overall quality, with a focus on grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax
pengeditan salinan, pengeditan teks
the act of writing text for advertising or other forms of marketing communications to persuade or influence people to take some action
copywriting, penulisan iklan
a business model in which publishers sell their books directly to consumers, bypassing traditional retail channels such as bookstores or online marketplaces
penjualan langsung kepada pembaca, penjualan langsung kepada konsumen
a way through which a company delivers its products to the customers
saluran distribusi, jaringan distribusi
the legal rights to adapt a written work into a film or other visual media, typically negotiated and purchased by film producers or studios from book publishers or authors
hak film, hak adaptasi
the rights granted by an author or publisher to publish and sell a book in a language or country other than its original language or country of publication
hak asing, hak penerbitan luar negeri
a publishing model that combines elements of traditional publishing and self-publishing
penerbitan hibrida, edisi hibrida
the process of creating an alphabetical list of keywords and topics discussed in a book or document, along with their corresponding page numbers
a promotional event, often held in person or virtually, to celebrate and introduce a new book, product, or service to the public
acara peluncuran, peluncuran
a coordinated and strategic series of activities that promote a product, service, or brand to a target audience
kampanye pemasaran, kampanye iklan
the rights to use a book's or an author's name, image, or story in connection with the sale of merchandise, such as toys, clothing, or accessories
hak merchandising, hak dagang
the physical location or device where a product or service is sold to a customer
titik penjualan, terminal penjualan
the stage in the book production process that occurs after printing, including binding, finishing, trimming, and packaging
pasca cetak, setelah cetak
the process of preparing digital files for printing, including tasks such as typesetting, proofreading, and color correction
pra-cetak, persiapan cetak
the business of producing printed materials such as books, magazines, brochures, flyers, and other similar items using various printing technologies and techniques
percetakan, printer
a book publishing model that allows books to be printed and shipped only when an order is received, typically using digital printing technology
cetak sesuai permintaan, cetak atas permintaan
the process of carefully reviewing a text in order to identify and correct errors to ensure that the final product is free of errors and ready for publication
penyuntingan, pemeriksaan teks
actions or information that are meant to gain the support or attention of the public
publisitas, iklan
the unsold books that are returned by retailers or distributors to the publisher or wholesaler for credit or refund
pengembalian, pengembalian buku
a payment made to the author or creator of a work for each copy of the work that is sold
royalti, hak cipta
the act of publishing and marketing a book or other media by the author or creator of the work, without the involvement of a traditional publisher
penerbitan mandiri, penerbitan independen
the amount of physical space in a bookstore or library that is designated for displaying and storing books or other products
ruang rak, ruang penyimpanan
the various rights to exploit a book or other intellectual property, beyond the primary right to publish and distribute it in its original form
hak anak perusahaan, hak derivatif
the permission granted to an individual or organization to translate and publish a book or other literary work in a language other than the original
hak terjemahan, izin terjemahan
the process of arranging the type of a text and preparing it for printing
penataan teks, penyusunan huruf
a type of publishing company that charges authors to publish their work and provides little or no editorial or marketing support
penerbit vanity, penerbit egois
an item, especially a book, that is bought by a large number of people
bestseller, buku terlaris
a place in which collections of books and sometimes newspapers, movies, music, etc. are kept for people to read or borrow
a library that holds a collection of materials that represent the cultural and intellectual heritage of a nation
perpustakaan nasional, perpustakaan negara
a collection of books and other materials, owned and maintained by an individual or a private organization, rather than a public institution
perpustakaan pribadi, koleksi buku pribadi
a free community resource that offers a wide variety of books, media, and other educational materials for people to borrow and use for personal and educational purposes
perpustakaan umum, perpustakaan komunitas
a type of library that serves the needs of researchers, scholars, and students by providing access to specialized materials and resources for advanced study and research
perpustakaan penelitian, perpustakaan khusus
a library that serves a specialized clientele and typically contains specialized resources in the field or subject area of the organization it serves
perpustakaan khusus, perpustakaan spesialis