Decisione e Controllo - Indecisione
Esplora gli idiomi inglesi che si riferiscono all'indecisione, tra cui "cadere tra due sgabelli" e "di due menti".
having no idea what one should do, particularly due to an unexpected or upsetting change
used when one is uncertain, particularly due to being stuck between two alternatives
ad un bivio
used to refer to a situation in which the outcome is unclear until the last moment
fino all'ultimo momento
a situation in which it is hard to determine what is right or wrong or what one must do
sfumature di grigio, gradazioni di grigio
the state in which one loses all one's confidence and willingness to continue doing something
the parts of something that are yet to be finished or resolved
filo tirato
to be in an unsatisfactory situation where one is unable to choose between two courses of action
essere lasciati senza l'uno e senza l'altro
to not now how to react to a situation as one is extremely frustrated or confused
completamente confuso
in a situation where one has difficulty choosing between two alternatives because both are equally undesirable
tra un roccia e un luogo duro
to keep changing one's behavior or opinions in an abrupt manner
cambiare idea frequentemente
in a situation where both choices lead to an undesirable outcome
tra il diavolo e il mare blu profondo
in a situation that forces one to choose between two alternatives that both have equally undesirable outcomes
sulle corna di un dilemma
used to express that no decision is made or no opinion is formed about something due to uncertainty
la giuria è fuori su qualcosa
in a situation that one has to make an important and life-changing decision
a un bivio, a un crocevia
in a state of uncertainty in which it becomes difficult for one to make a decision between two available options