
Qualità - Idoneità e compatibilità

Scopri come i proverbi inglesi come "ogni pentola ha il suo coperchio" e "giorno e notte non possono vivere insieme" descrivono l'idoneità e la compatibilità in inglese.







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oil and water do not mix

used to emphasize the idea that some things or people simply do not go well together, and that trying to combine them can result in conflict or a lack of success

olio e acqua non si mescolano

olio e acqua non si mescolano

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day and night cannot dwell together

used for implying that elements that are fundamentally different or incompatible cannot exist together in harmony or unity

il giorno e la notte non possono coesistere

il giorno e la notte non possono coesistere

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you cannot serve (both) God and Mammon

used to suggest that it is impossible to pursue both material wealth and spiritual or moral values at the same time

non puoi servire sia Dio che Mammona

non puoi servire sia Dio che Mammona

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every couple is not a pair

used to imply that individuals within a relationship may have significant differences or incompatibilities that hinder their ability to form a good partnership

ogni coppia non è una coppia

ogni coppia non è una coppia

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a place for everything and everything in its place

used to emphasize the value of organization and orderliness by suggesting that items should be stored in their proper places to avoid clutter and confusion

un posto per ogni cosa e ogni cosa al suo posto

un posto per ogni cosa e ogni cosa al suo posto

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different strokes for different folks

used to emphasize that people have different tastes, preferences, and needs, and that it is important to recognize and respect these differences

borrowed garments never fit well

used to suggest that relying on the ideas or attitudes of others may lead to discomfort or failure, as they may not be suitable for one's individual needs or preferences

gli indumenti presi in prestito non vanno mai bene

gli indumenti presi in prestito non vanno mai bene

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every shoe fits not every foot

used to imply that a solution or approach that works for one person or situation may not work for another, emphasizing that one should find solutions to fit the specific needs and circumstances

ogni scarpa non si adatta a tutti i piedi

ogni scarpa non si adatta a tutti i piedi

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horses for courses

used to imply that different people are suited to different things, and what works well for one person may not work well for another

ogni gallo ha un grappolo

ogni gallo ha un grappolo

there is a time and (a) place for everything

used to imply that certain actions, behaviors, or decisions are appropriate only in specific situations, and that it is important to recognize when and where they are appropriate

C'è un tempo e un luogo per tutto

C'è un tempo e un luogo per tutto

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a carrion kite will never be a good hawk

used to imply that a person or thing cannot be something that they are not inherently suited for or capable of, and that it is important to recognize and accept one's limitations

un nibbio morto non sarà mai un buon falco

un nibbio morto non sarà mai un buon falco

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everything is good in its season

used to suggest that everything has its own appropriate time or occasion, and that it is important to respect the natural order of things

tutto è buono nella sua stagione

tutto è buono nella sua stagione

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every pot has its lid

used to express the idea that there is a suitable or compatible match for every person or situation

ogni pentola ha il suo coperchio

ogni pentola ha il suo coperchio

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