Aspetto - La forma del corpo
Qui imparerai alcune parole inglesi relative alle forme del corpo come "buff", "curvy" e "lanky".
the body shape of a woman with a small waist and larger hips and breasts

figura a clessidra
having a thick and muscular neck, similar to that of a bull

col collo robusto, col collo muscoloso

(of a person) having a wider lower waist and narrower upper waist, resembling the shape of a pear

a forma di pera
(especially of a man) having a short but quite solid figure with thick muscles

being of the habit of bending the head and shoulders forward, while walking or standing

tall, strong, and well-built, often implying an impressive physical appearance

sprovveduto, muscoloso

abnormally small in stature, typically as a result of a medical condition such as dwarfism

nano, persona di bassa statura

someone who is of small stature and may be perceived as unimportant

piccolo, misero

(of a woman) being plump or large in a pleasant way, especially having large breasts

(of a woman) having a large and attractive physical feature, such as a full bust or a muscular physique

ben dotata, ben fornita

(of a person or their body) having a noticeable bone structure and sharp features

angolare, spigoloso