Wygląd - Figura
Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych z kształtami ciała, takich jak „buff”, „curvy” i „lanky”.
the body shape of a woman with a small waist and larger hips and breasts

figura klepsydry, figura w kształcie klepsydry

having a thick and muscular neck, similar to that of a bull

z grubą szyją, z muskularną szyją

(of a person) tall and thin in a way that is not graceful

chudy i wysoki, długi i szczupły

(of a person) having a wider lower waist and narrower upper waist, resembling the shape of a pear

gruszkowaty, w kształcie gruszki

(especially of a man) having a short but quite solid figure with thick muscles

krępy, moszny

being of the habit of bending the head and shoulders forward, while walking or standing

pochylony, zgarbiony

tall, strong, and well-built, often implying an impressive physical appearance

postawny, silny

abnormally small in stature, typically as a result of a medical condition such as dwarfism

karłem, człowiek niskiego wzrostu

describing a woman with a large and well-developed bust or breasts

piersiasty, obfity

(of a woman) being plump or large in a pleasant way, especially having large breasts

wystawna, pulchna

(of a woman) having large breasts, wide hips and a narrow waist

krągła, kobieca

(of a woman) having a large and attractive physical feature, such as a full bust or a muscular physique

dobrze wyposażona, z atrakcyjnymi kształtami

(of a person or their body) having a noticeable bone structure and sharp features

kątowy, kościsty