
本 English File - 上級 - レッスン 3A

ここには、English File Advanced コースブックのレッスン 3A の「説得する」、「得る」、「逃げる」などの語彙が含まれています。









English File - Advanced
to get

to receive or come to have something

受け取る, 得る

受け取る, 得る

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to arrive

to reach a location, particularly as an end to a journey

到着する, 達する

到着する, 達する

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to become

to start or grow to be

なる, 変わる

なる, 変わる

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to persuade

to make a person do something through reasoning or other methods

説得する, 納得させる

説得する, 納得させる

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to obtain

to get something, often with difficulty

取得する, 得る

取得する, 得る

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a suitable marriage candidate

適切な結婚候補者, マッチ

適切な結婚候補者, マッチ

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worried and anxious about something or slightly afraid of it

神経質な, 不安な

神経質な, 不安な

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at a place that is not where the speaker is

そこ, あそこで

そこ, あそこで

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someone we know well and trust, but normally they are not part of our family

友人, 友達

友人, 友達

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to get hold of somebody

to manage to meet someone in person or contact them on a telephone, through message, etc.

to get into trouble

to become involved in a problematic or difficult situation, often as a result of one's actions or decisions

out of the way

in a position, state, or place that would not cause problems for others

邪魔にならないように, 道を外れて

邪魔にならないように, 道を外れて

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to get one's own back

to seek to harm or punish someone who has wronged or harmed one

to get rid of somebody or something

to put aside or remove a person or thing in order to no longer have them present or involved

to get the chance

to have the opportunity to do something, or to be in a situation where one is able to do something

to get the joke

to understand the humor or irony behind a joke or a humorous situation

to get the wrong end of the stick

to fail to understand or interpret or understand something correctly

to get to know somebody or something

to become familiar with someone or something by spending time with them and learning about them

to get real

to no longer be unrealistic, foolish, or unreasonable

get a life

used to tell someone to change their life style and start doing more exciting or important things

to get anywhere

to make progress or achieve success, especially when facing difficulties or obstacles

to get on one's nerves

to make someone really mad by constantly doing something that angers or annoys them

to get one's act together

to start to organize oneself for better results and more efficiency

like a house on fire

used to describe a situation or activity that is developing with great intensity, speed, and success

to get a move on

to do something more quickly in order not to be late

to get the message

to understand the implied meaning behind an action or statement

to have one's (own) way

to get or do what one wants despite the odds or other people's desires

to get together

to meet up with someone in order to cooperate or socialize

会う, 集まる

会う, 集まる

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to get over

to recover from an unpleasant or unhappy experience, particularly an illness

回復する, 乗り越える

回復する, 乗り越える

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to get on for

to be close to reaching a particular age

近づく, もうすぐ

近づく, もうすぐ

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to get through to

to successfully communicate a message or idea to someone in a way that they understand or accept it

伝える, 理解させる

伝える, 理解させる

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to get around

to persuade someone or something to agree to what one wants, often by doing things they like

説得する, なだめる

説得する, なだめる

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to get away with

to escape punishment for one's wrong actions

罰を逃れる, 無罪になる

罰を逃れる, 無罪になる

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to get by

to be capable of living or doing something using the available resources, knowledge, money, etc.

やっていく, なんとかやる

やっていく, なんとかやる

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to get behind

to not succeed in doing something within the expected or required time limit

遅れる, 間に合わない

遅れる, 間に合わない

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to get down

to bring a thing or person to a position that is less high

下ろす, 降ろす

下ろす, 降ろす

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to get out

to leave somewhere such as a room, building, etc.

出る, 去る

出る, 去る

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to get back to

to contact someone again later to provide a response or reply, often after taking time to consider or research the matter

再連絡する, 戻る

再連絡する, 戻る

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