to gradually recover health and strength after being ill or undergoing treatment

回復する, 療養する

to assail or attack relentlessly from all directions, subjecting someone or something to continuous pressure or adversity

包囲する, 取り囲む

to mix or blend various elements together, typically to create a uniform composition or alloy

混ぜる, 溶接する

to make a murmuring or bubbling sound, often associated with the movement of water

ごろごろ言う, うねる

to complicate or tangle, often used metaphorically to describe situations or problems becoming more intricate or convoluted

絡む, 複雑にする

to cause persistent irritation or resentment, typically due to a past grievance or injustice

不快にさせる, 心をざわつかせる

to remove someone from the priesthood or clergy, typically as a result of misconduct or violation of religious principles

司祭職を剥奪する, 聖職から外す