to network
to interact or establish contacts with others for mutual assistance or support

ネットワークを築く, ネットワーキングする

to antic
to behave in a ridiculous or absurd manner, often for entertainment or amusement

ばかげた行動をする, コミカルに振る舞う

to fidget
to make small, restless movements or gestures due to nervousness or impatience

落ち着かない, そわそわする

to anoint
to apply oil, ointment, or a similar substance in a religious or ceremonial act

油を塗る, 神聖化する

to furrow
to make a series of long, narrow grooves or ridges in the ground or on a surface

溝を掘る, 割る

to thwart
to intentionally prevent someone or something from accomplishing a purpose or plan

阻止する, 妨げる

to deplete
to use up or diminish the quantity or supply of a resource, material, or substance

消耗する, 減少させる

