used to grab someone's attention or emphasize a point, often indicating that what follows is important or needs to be understood

ここを見て, ここで聞いて

used to draw attention to a piece of news or information that might be surprising or unexpected to the listener

注意、ネタバレ!, ネタバレ警告!

used to alert people that you are passing through a crowded area or that you need space to move through a particular area

通りますよ!, 道をあけてください!

used to forcefully command or demand that someone move aside or clear a path

どいて!, 道を空けて!

used in contexts like mining, demolition, or military operations to alert others that an explosion is about to occur

穴で火!, 爆発に気をつけて!

used to draw attention to a reveal or to celebrate the completion of a magic trick, performance, or surprise

タダ!, はい!

used to express the sudden appearance, revelation, or accomplishment of something

ヴォワラ, ほら!

used to gain someone's attention, especially when they are at a distance or not paying attention

やあ!, ねえ!

used to draw attention to something significant or impressive

ご覧ください、グランドキャニオンの壮大な美しさ!, 見よ、グランドキャニオンの壮大な美しさ!