
Citace - Citoslovce upozornění a varování

Tato citoslovce se používají, když si mluvčí přeje upoutat něčí pozornost nebo varovat před nebezpečím nebo přicházejícím pohybem.









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Categorized English Interjections

used to emphasize a point or to draw attention to something

Podívej, Viz

Podívej, Viz

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see here

used to grab someone's attention or emphasize a point, often indicating that what follows is important or needs to be understood

Podívej se sem, Poslouchej sem

Podívej se sem, Poslouchej sem

Google Translate
spoiler alert

used to draw attention to a piece of news or information that might be surprising or unexpected to the listener

pozor,  spoiler!

pozor, spoiler!

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coming through

used to alert people that you are passing through a crowded area or that you need space to move through a particular area

Jdu dál!, Uhněte prosím!

Jdu dál!, Uhněte prosím!

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out of my way

used to forcefully command or demand that someone move aside or clear a path

Ustup!, Z cesty!

Ustup!, Z cesty!

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heads up

used to alert someone to pay attention or to be cautious about something

Pozor!, Dávej pozor!

Pozor!, Dávej pozor!

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fire in the hole

used in contexts like mining, demolition, or military operations to alert others that an explosion is about to occur

Oheň v díře!, Pozor

Oheň v díře!, Pozor

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used to warn others that a tree is falling or about to fall

Dřevo!, Pozor na strom!

Dřevo!, Pozor na strom!

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watch out

used for warning someone to be cautious, especially when danger is involved


used to draw attention to a reveal or to celebrate the completion of a magic trick, performance, or surprise

Tadaa!, A je to!

Tadaa!, A je to!

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used to express the sudden appearance, revelation, or accomplishment of something

voilà, tady to je!

voilà, tady to je!

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used to gain someone's attention, especially when they are at a distance or not paying attention

Ahoj!, Hele!

Ahoj!, Hele!

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used to gain someone's attention

Hej!, Ahoj!

Hej!, Ahoj!

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used to draw someone's attention without being overt

Psst, Hele

Psst, Hele

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used to draw attention to one's location

Tady,  dovol mi to vzít.

Tady, dovol mi to vzít.

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used to draw attention to something significant or impressive

Hle,  majestátní krása Grand Canyonu!

Hle, majestátní krása Grand Canyonu!

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used to draw attention to something, alert someone to a situation, or emphasize a point

Podívej, Podívej se

Podívej, Podívej se

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