
動物 - 動物の生殖










Words Related to Animals

the ability of a living organism to produce a large number of offspring or viable eggs or seeds

肥沃性, 繁殖力

肥沃性, 繁殖力

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a sexual orientation characterized by a lack of sexual attraction or desire for sexual activity



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asexual reproduction

a type of reproduction where a single organism can produce offspring without the involvement of another organism

無性生殖, 性的関与のない繁殖

無性生殖, 性的関与のない繁殖

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to hatch

(of birds, fish, etc.) to come out of an egg

孵る, かえる

孵る, かえる

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the process of mating animals, plants, or microorganisms with desirable characteristics to produce offspring with those same traits

繁殖, ブリーディング

繁殖, ブリーディング

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the eggs that an aquatic animal or an amphibian lays and are covered with a transparent layer

産卵, 卵

産卵, 卵

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to lay

(of a bird, insect, fish, etc.) to produce eggs

卵を産む, 置く

卵を産む, 置く

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to breed

(of an animal) to have sex and give birth to young

繁殖する, 交配する

繁殖する, 交配する

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a young form of an insect or an animal that has come out of the egg but has not yet developed into an adult



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to fertilize

to introduce male reproductive cells into the female reproductive system for reproduction

受精する, 人工授精する

受精する, 人工授精する

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the stage of the metamorphosis that comes between the larval and adult stages of a moth or butterfly


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a male sex hormone, such as testosterone, that is responsible for the development and maintenance of male characteristics in humans and animals



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to mate

(of animals) to have sex for breeding or reproduction

交尾する, 繁殖する

交尾する, 繁殖する

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an amphibian in the larval stage



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the union of a sperm and an egg to form a zygote, which marks the beginning of sexual reproduction in organisms

受精, 肥沃

受精, 肥沃

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the parents, grandparents and the ancestors of an animal that are all purebred, or a certificate that proves this

系譜, ペディグリー

系譜, ペディグリー

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to spay

to remove the sexual organs of a female animal, called ovaries

スぺイする, 卵巣を除去する

スぺイする, 卵巣を除去する

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the inability of a person, animal or plant to reproduce

不妊, 不毛

不妊, 不毛

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a person or animal that produces offspring through reproduction

繁殖者, ブリーダー

繁殖者, ブリーダー

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to crossbreed

to make an animal or plant breed with a different type; to breed with a different animal or plant

交配する, ハイブリッド化する

交配する, ハイブリッド化する

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to neuter

to remove the sex organs of a domestic animal in order to keep it from reproduction

去勢する, 不妊手術する

去勢する, 不妊手術する

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a hen that sits on her eggs with the intention of hatching them

抱卵中の雌鶏, 卵を温めている鶏

抱卵中の雌鶏, 卵を温めている鶏

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to incubate

to keep an egg in a favorable condition to help it develop until it hatches

インキュベートする, 孵化させる

インキュベートする, 孵化させる

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all the young of a bird hatched at the same time, or the young of an animal cared for together

ひな, ひな鳥

ひな, ひな鳥

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the eggs laid by a frog, covered in a jelly-like mucus

カエルの卵, ゼリー状のカエルの卵

カエルの卵, ゼリー状のカエルの卵

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to calve

to give birth to a calf (a young bovine animal)

子牛を産む, 子牛を出産する

子牛を産む, 子牛を出産する

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the young wormlike larva of an insect

幼虫, ミミズ

幼虫, ミミズ

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an insect which is in an inactive transitory stage of its metamorphosis, between the larval and adult stages

さなぎ, ニンフ

さなぎ, ニンフ

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to farrow

to give birth to a litter of piglets

子豚を出産する, 子豚を産む

子豚を出産する, 子豚を産む

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the caterpillar of a silk moth that forms a cocoon during metamorphosis, which is later processed into silk

繭虫, 蚕の幼虫

繭虫, 蚕の幼虫

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incapable of reproducing or having children

不妊の, 無生産の

不妊の, 無生産の

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an amphibian in larval stage; a tadpole

オタマジャクシ, タドポール

オタマジャクシ, タドポール

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to foal

to produce or to give birth to a young horse or pony

子馬を生む, 子馬を出産する

子馬を生む, 子馬を出産する

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a special cell used for reproduction, with sperm cells being the male gametes and egg cells being the female gametes



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to gestate

to carry a developing embryo or fetus inside the uterus of a female mammal until it is ready to be born

妊娠する, 抱える

妊娠する, 抱える

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an organism that has both male and female reproductive organs



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to impregnate

to fertilize an egg and make it capable of developing into an embryo

受精する, 妊娠させる

受精する, 妊娠させる

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to lamb

to give birth to a lamb, usually used in reference to sheep

子羊を出産する, 羊を産む

子羊を出産する, 羊を産む

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to procreate

to produce offspring sexually, typically involving the union of male and female reproductive cells

繁殖する, 子を産む

繁殖する, 子を産む

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to reproduce

(of a living being) to produce offspring or more of itself

繁殖する, 再生産する

繁殖する, 再生産する

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to whelp

to give birth to puppies or young dog

子犬を産む, 子犬を出産する

子犬を産む, 子犬を出産する

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ancestors of an animal, particularly while referring to the good characteristics that it has inherited from them

血統, 血筋

血統, 血筋

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to couple

to engage in sexual reproduction or mating

交尾する, 繁殖する

交尾する, 繁殖する

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to rut

to go through a period of sexual activity or sexual aggression, especially in certain animals during their mating season

繁殖行動を取る, 発情する

繁殖行動を取る, 発情する

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incubation period

the time between exposure to a pathogen and the onset of symptoms

潜伏期間, インキュベーション期間

潜伏期間, インキュベーション期間

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to sire

to beget, procreate, or father offspring, typically used in reference to male animals

父親になる, 生む

父親になる, 生む

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to inseminate

to introduce semen into the reproductive system, often by artificial means

人工授精する, 精液を導入する

人工授精する, 精液を導入する

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the smallest and most motile cells in the male reproductive system responsible for fertilizing the female egg

精子, スperm

精子, スperm

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the recurring period of sexual receptivity and fertility in female mammals

発情期, エストラス

発情期, エストラス

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an oval or rounded object laid by birds, reptiles, fish, or certain invertebrates as part of their reproductive process


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