
意見と議論 - 意見を表明する










Words Related to Opinion and Argument
to account

to regard someone or something in a particular way

考慮する, 評価する

考慮する, 評価する

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a major or complete change in attitude, opinion, or behavior

転向, 見解の変更

転向, 見解の変更

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according to

in regard to what someone has said or written

に従って, によれば

に従って, によれば

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a suggestion or an opinion that is given with regard to making the best decision in a specific situation

助言, アドバイス

助言, アドバイス

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to advise

to provide someone with suggestion or guidance regarding a specific situation

助言する, すすめる

助言する, すすめる

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to air

to share one's thoughts, concerns, complaints, etc. in a public manner

述べる, 表明する

述べる, 表明する

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a public expression or discussion of opinions

表現, 議論

表現, 議論

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to answer for

to explain one's actions or decisions, especially when questioned or challenged

説明する, 釈明する

説明する, 釈明する

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to assert

to behave confidently in a way that demands recognition of one's opinions

主張する, 自己主張する

主張する, 自己主張する

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a statement representing a fact or what you strongly believe in

主張, 声明

主張, 声明

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in a self-assured way that highlights one's beliefs, thoughts, or intentions so clearly that everyone notices

自信を持って, 断言的に

自信を持って, 断言的に

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as far as somebody is concerned

used to express an individual's opinion on a particular matter

as far as something is concerned

used to refer to the specific matter or topic being discussed or considered

at length

in great detail

詳細に, 長々と

詳細に, 長々と

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at best

‌used when you take the most optimistic view, especially in a bad situation

to avow

to publicly state that something is the case

公言する, 宣言する

公言する, 宣言する

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an open declaration or affirmation of one’s opinions

宣言, 公言

宣言, 公言

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to backbite

to talk about someone who is absent in a mean way

陰口を叩く, 裏で悪口を言う

陰口を叩く, 裏で悪口を言う

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to backpedal

to completely change one’s position on or opinion about something to not do what one has promised

引き下がる, 撤回する

引き下がる, 撤回する

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to backtrack

to change one's opinion, or retract one's statement due to being under pressure

撤回する, 後退する

撤回する, 後退する

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in an unfavorable or disapproving manner

悪く, ひどく

悪く, ひどく

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used to state one's opinion while emphasizing or summarizing its most important aspects

基本的に, 要するに

基本的に, 要するに

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a behavior that favors a particular perspective, ideology, or outcom, often resulting in unfair judgment of someone or something

バイアス, 偏見

バイアス, 偏見

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to bias

to unfairly influence or manipulate something or someone in favor of one particular opinion or point of view

偏見を持って影響を与える, 不当に操作する

偏見を持って影響を与える, 不当に操作する

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to budge

to come to an agreement or make someone change their mind

説得する, 意見を変えさせる

説得する, 意見を変えさせる

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to blow hot and cold

to keep changing one’s attitude toward someone or something

to call a spade a spade

to talk about something in a completely open and direct way

to change one's mind

to change one's opinion or decision regarding something

to change one's tune

to change one's opinion or behavior toward something


statements, ideas, or opinions that seem very foolish or untrue

馬鹿げたこと, 愚かなこと

馬鹿げたこと, 愚かなこと

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to come around

to completely change one's decision or opinion

考えを変える, 意見を変える

考えを変える, 意見を変える

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to come out

to express if one is for or against an idea or arguement

意見を表明する, 立場を明らかにする

意見を表明する, 立場を明らかにする

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to come over

to completely change one’s point of view or side

意見を変える, 側につく

意見を変える, 側につく

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a spoken or written remark that expresses an opinion or reaction



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to comment

to express one's opinion about something or someone

コメントする, 意見を述べる

コメントする, 意見を述べる

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to confer

to exchange opinions and have discussions with others, often to come to an agreement or decision

協議する, 相談する

協議する, 相談する

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one's considered opinion

one’s final verdict after giving a subject adequate attention and considerable amount of thought

to convert

to persuade someone to adopt new ideas, principles, or methods

変換する, 説得する

変換する, 説得する

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to convert

to adopt a new set of principles, ideas, or methods

転向する, 採る

転向する, 採る

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a strong statement or a piece of writing that expresses certain feelings and opinions

朗読, 発表

朗読, 発表

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expressing one's feelings in a dramatic and forceful way



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to deduce

to determine by a process of logical reasoning

導き出す, 推論する

導き出す, 推論する

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to deem

to consider in a particular manner

見なす, 考える

見なす, 考える

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to delude

to deceive someone into believing something that is not true, often by creating false hopes or illusions

だます, 欺く

だます, 欺く

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a reinforced false belief or opinion that someone has

幻想, 妄想

幻想, 妄想

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to discuss

to talk or write about a subject in detail in while taking different perspectives and issues into consideration

議論する, 話し合う

議論する, 話し合う

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an act or process of talking and sharing ideas in order to reach a decision or conclusion

議論, 話し合い

議論, 話し合い

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in a critical and arrogant manner therefore refusing to consider other's opinions

ドグマティックに, ドグマ的に

ドグマティックに, ドグマ的に

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double entendre

a phrase or word that intentionally conveys two distinct meanings, usually with one sexual connotation

ダブルエンタンドル, 二重の意味

ダブルエンタンドル, 二重の意味

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