
意見と議論 - 見解と談話










Words Related to Opinion and Argument

based only on facts and not influenced by personal feelings or judgments

客観的, 無私

客観的, 無私

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the state of being affected by facts and statistics instead of personal opinions and feelings



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used when stating one's opinion about someone or something

の, について

の, について

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on second thought

used to state that one has adopted a different opinion

on the face of it

used to state that something appears to be true or appealing at first glance

to opine

to express one's opinion

意見を述べる, 意見を表明する

意見を述べる, 意見を表明する

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opinion poll

a process that involves a public assessment of people's opinions on a particular subject to determine what majority of people think about something

世論調査, 意見調査

世論調査, 意見調査

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or what

‌used to emphasize one's opinions in a forceful manner


the image or idea that is formed based on how one understands something

知覚, 概念

知覚, 概念

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used to make an expression of opinion less definite or assertive

おそらく, 多分

おそらく, 多分

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a statement or advice that is no longer effective or interesting because it has been repeated over and over again

陳腐な言葉, クリシェ

陳腐な言葉, クリシェ

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used to show that the opinion someone is giving comes from their own viewpoint

個人的に, 私としては

個人的に, 私としては

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a tool or opportunity that allows someone to share their ideas or beliefs with a wide audience

プラットフォーム, ツール

プラットフォーム, ツール

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to point out

to show or mention something to someone and give them enough information to take notice

指摘する, 示す

指摘する, 示す

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a process in which random people are asked the same questions to find out what the general public thinks about a given subject

世論調査, アンケート

世論調査, アンケート

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to pontificate

to state one's opinion in such a manner that shows one believes to be the only person to fully know it and be unarguably correct

公言する, 独善的に言う

公言する, 独善的に言う

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to pour scorn on somebody or something

to harshly criticize or mock someone in a way that clearly shows one has no respect for them or their opinion


a pre-established opinion that is formed before obtaining proper knowledge or experience

先入観, 固定観念

先入観, 固定観念

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to present

to deliver a speech or presentation that publicly expresses one's ideas, plans, etc.

提示する, 発表する

提示する, 発表する

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a professional opinion regarding the likely course of an illness

予後, 予測

予後, 予測

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a formal or authoritative expression of one's opinions, ideas, or beliefs

声明, 発表

声明, 発表

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to pronounce on

to declare one's judgment or authoritative opinion about something

見解を示す, 声明する

見解を示す, 声明する

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a statement expressing a view or opinion

提案, 断言

提案, 断言

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public opinion

the collective attitudes, beliefs, and views held by the general population on various issues, events, or individuals

世論, 公共の意見

世論, 公共の意見

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to pussyfoot around

to behave in an overly cautious manner and refrain from expressing one’s opinions in case others get upset

遠回りする, あいまいに振る舞う

遠回りする, あいまいに振る舞う

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to put in one's two cents' worth

to share one's opinion on a topic that is under discussion

to ram something home

to ensure that something is understood by emphasizing, or providing examples, proof, etc.


used to add strength or seriousness to one's statement or opinion

本当に, 実際に

本当に, 実際に

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the mind's power to understand or think logically



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the act of rational and logical thinking about something

推論, 論理

推論, 論理

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the act of thinking about an opinion or decision again, especially with an intention to change it

再考, 再評価

再考, 再評価

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to register

to communicate or convey an opinion, feeling, or message through words or actions

表明する, 登録する

表明する, 登録する

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to rehearse

to restate previously expressed opinions or ideas in detail

繰り返す, 言い換える

繰り返す, 言い換える

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to remark

to express one's opinion through a statement

述べる, コメントする

述べる, コメントする

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to represent

to make one’s opinions known to a group of people or someone in authority

代表する, 表現する

代表する, 表現する

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statements made formally to an official in order to protest something

代表, 請願

代表, 請願

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the general opinion that the public has about someone or something because of what they did in the past

名声, 評判

名声, 評判

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the general opinion that is held by people about someone or something

評判, 名声

評判, 名声

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used to say that something is true according to what people say, although it is uncertain

いわく, 噂によると

いわく, 噂によると

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the quality that makes someone refrain from sharing their thoughts or feelings with others

予備, 控え

予備, 控え

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reluctant to share feelings or problems

控えめな, 内気な

控えめな, 内気な

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an official decision that is made, particularly when an official body takes a group vote

決議, 公式な決定

決議, 公式な決定

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to respect

to admire someone because of their achievements, qualities, etc.



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someone who writes reviews and analysis of books, movies, etc.

レビュアー, 批評家

レビュアー, 批評家

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to revise

to make changes to something, especially in response to new information, feedback, or a need for improvement

改訂する, 修正する

改訂する, 修正する

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(of a person) correct or justified in a situation or decision

正しい, 適切な

正しい, 適切な

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having fashionable or liberal ideas that makes someone a supporter of the political left

流行の, 革新的な

流行の, 革新的な

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to row back

to abruptly change or reverse an earlier statement or opinion

撤回する, 引き戻す

撤回する, 引き戻す

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the act of changing an earlier promise, decision, or statement so that it becomes entirely different

撤回, 変更

撤回, 変更

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right on

stated in a way that is exactly accurate
