C1レベルの単語リスト - 趣味と活動
ここでは、C1 学習者向けに用意された、「ウェード」、「アマチュア」、「シュノーケル」など、趣味や活動に関する英単語を学習します。
to swim under water with a hollow tube called snorkel through which one can breathe

シュノーケリングをする, シュノーケルを使って泳ぐ

a type of dance that involves two people using special movements and fixed steps, such as the waltz or tango

社交ダンス, バールールダンス

the act or hobby of watching several episodes of a TV series one after another without a long break

ビンジ・ウォッチング, 一気見

the sport or activity of regularly exercising to develop stronger and larger muscles

ボディビル, 筋肉トレーニング

an activity in which someone jumps from a very high place with a rubber cord tied around their ankles

バンジージャンプ, バンジー飛び

the act of seemingly telling someone about their character or future by looking at the palm of their hand

手相占い, 手のひらの読み取り

the skill or practice of using a scissor, needle, thread, etc. to make or repair clothing

縫製, 裁縫

an event or occasion on which people gather to taste and compare different types of wine

ワインテイスティング, ワイン試飲

special moves such as walking on a tight rope, swinging in the air using certain equipment, etc.

アクロバット, アクロバティックな動き

the study of the movements of stars and planets that are thought to affect people and the world


a type of treatment in which natural oils that smell sweet are rubbed on the body or their smell is breathed in to improve physical or mental health

アロマセラピー, 香り療法

a type of dance in which a woman performs quick movements with her hips and belly, originated in the Middle East

ベリーダンス, お腹のダンス

a public entertainment, particularly in Spain, in which someone fights a bull and usually kills it

闘牛, 斗牛

the art of producing beautiful handwriting using special writing instruments such as a dip or brush pen


the activity of wearing a costume similar to that of a character from a movie, video game, or book

コスプレ, キャラクター衣装

the act of repairing, making, or doing things by oneself instead of paying a professional to do them
special moves that a horse is trained to perform by receiving particular commands or body signals from its rider or a competition in which these moves are done

馬術, ドレッサージ

the sport or activity of moving through an area, particularly an urban area, by running, jumping, and climbing over, under, or around different obstacles

パルクール, 移動術

a number puzzle consisting of nine large squares each divided into nine smaller squares that must be filled with the numbers one to nine, without repeating any of them in the same square, column, or row

数独, ナンバーパズル