
C1レベルの単語リスト - 法と秩序

ここでは、C1 学習者向けに用意された「訴える」、「拘留する」、「擁護する」など、法と秩序に関する英単語を学習します。









CEFR C1 Vocabulary
to sue

to bring a charge against an individual or organization in a law court

訴える, 訴訟を起こす

訴える, 訴訟を起こす

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to acquit

to officially decide and declare in a law court that someone is not guilty of a crime



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to bail

to release someone until their trial after they gave an amount of money to the court

保釈する, 保証金で釈放する

保釈する, 保証金で釈放する

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to condemn

to give a severe punishment to someone who has committed a major crime

有罪判決を下す, 非難する

有罪判決を下す, 非難する

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to convict

to announce officially that someone is guilty of a crime in a court of law

有罪判決を下す, 有罪とする

有罪判決を下す, 有罪とする

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to detain

to officially hold someone in a place, such as a jail, and not let them go

拘留する, 抑留する

拘留する, 抑留する

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to enforce

to ensure that a law or rule is followed

施行する, 強制する

施行する, 強制する

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to legislate

to create or bring laws into effect through a formal process



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to prosecute

to try to charge someone officially with a crime in a court as the lawyer of the accuser

起訴する, 訴追する

起訴する, 訴追する

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to testify

to make a statement as a witness in court saying something is true

証言する, 証明する

証言する, 証明する

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an authorized practitioner of law who defends a person's case in a courtroom

弁護士, 弁護人

弁護士, 弁護人

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Federal Bureau of Investigation

a law enforcement agency controlled by the central government that deals with crimes that involve more than one state

連邦捜査局, FBI(連邦捜査局)

連邦捜査局, FBI(連邦捜査局)

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someone who works as one of the members of a police force

警官, コップ

警官, コップ

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(of a police officer) dressed in civilian clothes while on duty

私服の, 民間人の服装の

私服の, 民間人の服装の

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a pair of rings made of metal with a chain attached to them, used for putting on the wrists of prisoners

手錠, ハンドカフ

手錠, ハンドカフ

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the act of going around a place at regular intervals to prevent a crime or wrongdoing from being committed

パトロール, 監視

パトロール, 監視

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a person in a law court who is sued by someone else or is accused of committing a crime

被告, 被告人

被告, 被告人

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a person whose job is hanging criminals

絞首刑執行人, 死刑執行人

絞首刑執行人, 死刑執行人

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a young person who has not reached adulthood yet

未成年者, 青少年

未成年者, 青少年

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a person who acts as a judge in a law court and deals with minor offenses

治安判事, 裁判官

治安判事, 裁判官

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a person who operates outside the boundaries of established rules and may engage in illegal activities

無法者, 悪党

無法者, 悪党

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(law) an amount of money paid to temporarily release a person from prison until their trial

保釈金, ボンド

保釈金, ボンド

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court order

an order given by a judge or court regarding a case

裁判所の命令, 判決

裁判所の命令, 判決

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a complaint or claim that someone brings to a law court for settlement

訴訟, 訴え

訴訟, 訴え

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(law) an official gathering in a court of law, especially without the presence of the jury, to find out information about a case and listen to evidence

公聴会, 聴聞

公聴会, 聴聞

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a state in which a person is kept in jail or prison, particularly while waiting to be tried

拘留, 逮捕

拘留, 逮捕

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(law) an official written document that people sign to agree on something or accept something as true

宣言, 公式文書

宣言, 公式文書

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the state of having committed an offense or crime

罪, 有罪感

罪, 有罪感

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the state of not being guilty of a crime or offense



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the action or process of making something legal

合法化, 法的認可

合法化, 法的認可

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pro bono

referring to a legal work that is done free of charge, often by a lawyer

プロボノ, 無報酬

プロボノ, 無報酬

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(law) a formal statement made by someone confirming or denying their accusation

弁明, 訴え

弁明, 訴え

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a formal statement saying something is true, particularly made by a witness in court

証言, 証拠

証言, 証拠

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an official decision made by the jury in a court after the legal proceedings

評決, 判決

評決, 判決

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an order issued by a judge that authorizes the police to take specific actions

令状, 命令書

令状, 命令書

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relevant to someone or something in a particular context or situation

適用可能な, 関連する

適用可能な, 関連する

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officially or legally unacceptable

無効な, 不正な

無効な, 不正な

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belonging or appropriate for a court, a judge, or the administration of justice

司法の, 裁判の

司法の, 裁判の

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legally held accountable for the cost of something

責任がある, 法的に責任がある

責任がある, 法的に責任がある

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creating and enforcing rules or regulations to control or govern a particular activity or industry

規制的な, 規制に関する

規制的な, 規制に関する

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working or conducted secretly under the supervision of a law enforcement agency to gather information or catch criminals

潜入の, 秘匿の

潜入の, 秘匿の

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capable of causing death

致死性の, 致命的な

致死性の, 致命的な

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to declare

to officially tell people something

宣言する, 発表する

宣言する, 発表する

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(law) restatement of other people's words by a witness in a law court, which is not counted as evidence

伝聞, 噂

伝聞, 噂

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public prosecutor

a lawyer employed by a government, whose job is to prove that a person is guilty of a crime in a law court

公訴人, 検事

公訴人, 検事

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to rat out

to inform an authority about the wrongdoings or crimes of others

密告する, 裏切る

密告する, 裏切る

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to pinch

to take someone into custody

逮捕する, 拘束する

逮捕する, 拘束する

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class action

a lawsuit concerning a problem that is shared by a group of people, which is brought to a law court on behalf of all

集団訴訟, クラスアクション

集団訴訟, クラスアクション

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