
어려움 - 복잡성 추가

"muddy the waters" 및 "fly in the ointment"와 같이 복잡성을 추가하는 것과 관련된 영어 관용구에 대해 알아보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Difficulty
to cook one's goose

to prevent someone from achieving success by destroying their plans

누군가의 발전을 방해하는 것

누군가의 발전을 방해하는 것

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to give sb enough rope to hang oneself

to give someone an opportunity to act freely with the intention of hurting them

고의로 누군가의 실패를 초래하는 것

고의로 누군가의 실패를 초래하는 것

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to play hard to get

to not easily give a person something that they need or want from one

관심 있는 구매자를 속이는 행위

관심 있는 구매자를 속이는 행위

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to queer one's pitch

to prevent someone from achieving what they want by creating problems for them

누군가에게 문제를 일으키고

누군가에게 문제를 일으키고

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to rain on one's parade

to ruin what someone has planned or not allow them enjoy something

누군가의 계획을 망치다

누군가의 계획을 망치다

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to throw a (monkey) wrench into the works

to slow down a plan or activity or prevent it from going on

어떤 일이 일어나는 것을 막는다

어떤 일이 일어나는 것을 막는다

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to tie oneself (up) in knots

to do something that makes oneself overly worried or confused

문제에 과민반응

문제에 과민반응

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to upset the apple cart

to cause problems, often by ruining or interrupting something that was planned

계획된 행사를 망치다

계획된 행사를 망치다

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to muddy the waters

to complicate a simple situation

뭔가를 지나치게 복잡하게 만드는 것

뭔가를 지나치게 복잡하게 만드는 것

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to put the kibosh on sth

to make an attempt to prevent something from continuing or happening

어떤 일의 진행을 중단하다

어떤 일의 진행을 중단하다

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to knock the wind out of sb

to do something, particularly something others do not expect, in order to make them feel less confident or important

누군가의 자신감이나 평판을 손상시키는 행위

누군가의 자신감이나 평판을 손상시키는 행위

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to cast a shadow over sth

to create a sense of negativity and hopelessness regarding a particular thing or situation

무언가에 부정적인 영향을 미치다

무언가에 부정적인 영향을 미치다

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fly in the ointment

a person or thing that ruins an otherwise positive or enjoyable situation

즐거운 일을 망치는 사람이나 물건

즐거운 일을 망치는 사람이나 물건

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to put a damper on sth

to lessen or decrease the enjoyment, strength, or activity of something

무언가의 강도를 낮추는 것

무언가의 강도를 낮추는 것

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to take the gilt off the gingerbread

to cause something to be less enjoyable as it could be

다른 사람들이 경험을 덜 즐겁게 만드는 것

다른 사람들이 경험을 덜 즐겁게 만드는 것

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