a small, cell-like structure in the blood that helps in clotting and preventing excessive bleeding
혈소판, 플레이트렛
a measure of the percentage of red blood cells in the total volume of blood, indicating its oxygen-carrying capacity
a diagnostic imaging technique that uses sound waves to assess blood flow and detect abnormalities in blood vessels and organs
도플러 초음파, 도플러 검사
a medical imaging procedure that uses contrast dye and X-rays to visualize blood vessels and diagnose conditions such as blockages or abnormalities in the circulatory system
혈관조영술, 혈관 영상촬영
a blood test that shows the speed at which red blood cells settle, often used to detect inflammation
적혈구 침강 속도, 적혈구 침강률
a test to detect antibodies against red blood cells for safe blood transfusion practices
적혈구 항체 검사, 적혈구 항체 스크리닝
a blood test that assesses various components, aiding in the diagnosis of medical conditions
완전 혈구 수치, CBC(완전 혈구 수)
blood test to assess respiratory and metabolic function, acid-base balance, and oxygenation status
동맥혈 가스 검사, 동맥혈 가스 분석
a blood test to assess liver function and detect liver disease by measuring ammonia levels
암모니아 검사, 암모니아 분석
an enzyme found in liver cells that is commonly measured in blood tests to assess liver health
알라닌 트랜스아미네이스, ALT (알라닌 아미노트랜스퍼라제)
a blood test that measures the levels of an enzyme called ALT in the blood, which can indicate liver health
ALT 혈액 검사, ALT 혈액 테스트
a blood test that measures ion imbalance in the blood for diagnosing metabolic and acid-base disorders
음이온 갭, 음이온 간격
a blood test that measures the number of small cell fragments called platelets involved in blood clotting
혈소판 수, 혈소판 계산
a blood test that measures the number of red blood cells, important for oxygen transport, and can aid in diagnosing blood-related medical conditions
적혈구 수치, 적혈구 수
a blood test that measures immature red blood cells, providing information about bone marrow function and blood disorders
맥락세포 수치, 망세포 수치
a measure of the variation in size of red blood cells, which can help diagnose certain types of anemia and other blood disorders
적혈구 분포 폭 혈액 검사, 적혈구 분포 폭 측정
a blood test that measures platelet size, aiding in the diagnosis of blood clotting and bleeding disorders
MPV 혈액 검사, MPV 혈액 테스트
a measure of the average size of red blood cells, used to diagnose anemia and other blood conditions
평균 적혈구 용적, 적혈구의 평균 크기를 측정하는 것
a blood test that measures blood hemoglobin levels, used to assess anemia and blood health
헤모글로빈 검사, 헤모글로빈 테스트
a blood test that identifies different types of hemoglobin for diagnosing hemoglobinopathies
헤모글로빈 전기영동
a stained microscopic slide used to examine the morphology of blood cells for diagnostic purposes
혈액 도말, 혈액 슬라이드
a lab test that identifies and quantifies different types of white blood cells in a blood sample, aiding in the diagnosis of various medical conditions
혈액 차별 검사, 백혈구 차별 검사
a program that tests newborns for genetic, metabolic, and congenital disorders shortly after birth to detect and treat conditions early
신생아 검사, 신생아 스크리닝
characterized by the absence of the Rh factor, a protein on the surface of red blood cells
Rh 음성
characterized by the presence of the Rh factor, a protein on the surface of red blood cells
Rh 양성, Rh+
a laboratory test used to identify and characterize abnormal proteins (immunoglobulins) in blood serum or urine
면역 고정 혈액 검사, 면역 고정 검사
a blood test that assesses electrolytes, glucose, and kidney function for diagnosing metabolic conditions
기본 대사 패널, 기초 대사 패널
a measurement in blood tests that assesses kidney function and hydration status for diagnosing conditions
혈액 요소 질소, 혈중 요소 질소 측정
a blood test that determines an individual's blood type and Rh factor status, which can impact pregnancy and transfusion compatibility
Rh 인자 검사, Rh 인자 테스트