
전치사 - 목적과 의도의 전치사

이러한 전치사는 행동 뒤에 숨어 있는 의도나 목적을 명확히 하는 데 사용됩니다.









학습 시작
Categorized English Prepositions

used to indicate who is supposed to have or use something or where something is intended to be put

...에 대한

...에 대한

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for the sake of sb/sth

because of caring about someone or something and wanting to make a situation better for them

누군가를 위해 또는 무언가를 위해

누군가를 위해 또는 무언가를 위해

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to in the name of

used to indicate the justification for an action

~의 이름으로

~의 이름으로

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for the purpose of

with the intention or aim of achieving a specific objective or goal

~을 위해

~을 위해

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out of concern for

motivated by a feeling of worry, care, or consideration for someone or something

에 대한 걱정으로 인해

에 대한 걱정으로 인해

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in pursuit of

in the act of seeking, striving for, or trying to achieve something

...을 좋아서

...을 좋아서

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in order to

with the intention of achieving a specific goal or outcome

하기 위해

하기 위해

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with the purpose of achieving something



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used to indicate the intended interpretation behind a word, concept, or gesture

...에 대한

...에 대한

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with a view to

with the intention of achieving or considering something

...에 관해서

...에 관해서

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with the intention of

with a deliberate purpose or plan to accomplish a specific objective

의 의도로

의 의도로

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in hopes of

with the expectation or desire for a particular outcome or result

~을 바라며

~을 바라며

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with hopes of

with the expectation or desire for a positive outcome

희망을 가지고

희망을 가지고

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