Preposições - Preposições de propósito e intenção
Essas preposições são usadas para esclarecer a intenção ou propósito por trás da ação.
used to indicate who is supposed to have or use something or where something is intended to be put
because of caring about someone or something and wanting to make a situation better for them
pelo bem de alguém ou algo
with the intention or aim of achieving a specific objective or goal
com o propósito de
motivated by a feeling of worry, care, or consideration for someone or something
por preocupação com
in the act of seeking, striving for, or trying to achieve something
em busca de
used to indicate the intended interpretation behind a word, concept, or gesture
with the intention of achieving or considering something
com vista a
with a deliberate purpose or plan to accomplish a specific objective
com a intenção de
with the expectation or desire for a particular outcome or result
na esperança de
with the expectation or desire for a positive outcome
com esperança de