to repeat or redo a task, activity, or process, often to improve the outcome

다시 하다, 재작업하다

to change one's allegiance or beliefs and switch to a different side, opinion, habit, or position

다른 편으로 가다, 입장을 바꾸다

to guide a vehicle to the side of the road or away from its current lane

인도로 차를 빼다, 멈추다

to make a situation or relationship less tense by calming emotions, resolving conflicts, etc.

부드럽게 하다, 완화하다

to thoroughly discuss something, particularly to reach an agreement or make a decision

논의하다, 토론하다

to give something particularly one's possessions to someone, often unwillingly

꺼려하면서 주다, 강제로 갖다주다

to transfer the possession or control of someone or something to another person or entity

넘겨주다, 인계하다

to use information or secrets one knows about an individual to control, threaten, or pressure them into doing what one wants

위협하다, 억제하다

to subject an individual to physical punishment or aggression by beating them

때리다, 폭행하다

to take on the role of being in charge of an event or situation, often with official responsibility

주재하다, 관리하다