결정, 제안 및 의무 - 사랑과 미움
여기서는 "adore", "enamored", "despise"와 같은 사랑과 증오에 관련된 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
something that one dislikes first but starts to like it with the passage of time

후천적 취향, 아 acquired taste

the fact of having or showing unreasonable tendency or preference toward some things and not others, particularly food

패드이즘, 비합리적인 선호

having or showing an unreasonable tendency to like some things and not others, particularly food

변덕스러운, 편식하는

overly particular about small details, making one challenging to please

까다로운, 세세한 것에 집착하는

used to express one's preference to something or someone over other things
to experience a loss of interest or liking towards someone or something

관심을 잃다, 호감이 사라지다

a deep feeling of anger and dislike toward someone because of what they did in the past

원한, 恨

to be unable to tolerate someone or something because of one's hatred or hostility toward them
to hold a negative opinion or feeling about someone or something, typically based on past experiences or personal preferences

무언가에 반대하다, 부정적인 의견을 가지다

to be excessively obsessed with someone, especially in a way that seems strange or unreasonable
to refrain from involving someone or spending time with them
to dislike or have no sense of respect for someone or something