Decisão, Sugestão e Obrigação - Amor e ódio
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas ao amor e ao ódio, como "adore", "enamoured" e "despise".
something that one dislikes first but starts to like it with the passage of time

sabor adquirido, gosto adquirido

having or showing extreme hatred or hostility toward someone

antipático, hostil

the fact of having or showing unreasonable tendency or preference toward some things and not others, particularly food

faddismo, preferência exagerada

having or showing an unreasonable tendency to like some things and not others, particularly food

fútil, excêntrico

having characteristics or features that makes something or someone preferable

favorito, preferido

overly particular about small details, making one challenging to please

minucioso, escrupuloso

a person who pretends to be a friend when in reality is one's rival or enemy

frenemy, falso amigo

used to express one's preference to something or someone over other things
to experience a loss of interest or liking towards someone or something

perder interesse por, deixar de gostar de

to gradually like someone or something more and more

começar a gostar, crescer em apreciação

a deep feeling of anger and dislike toward someone because of what they did in the past

rancor, ressentimento

to be unable to tolerate someone or something because of one's hatred or hostility toward them
to hold a negative opinion or feeling about someone or something, typically based on past experiences or personal preferences

ter algo contra, ter uma opinião negativa sobre

to be excessively obsessed with someone, especially in a way that seems strange or unreasonable
to refrain from involving someone or spending time with them
to dislike or have no sense of respect for someone or something
to be particularly fond of someone or something