Essentiële Woordenschat voor de GRE - Hoogte en diepte punten
Hier leer je enkele Engelse woorden over conflict, zoals "galling", "frisson", "glare", etc. die nodig zijn voor het GRE-examen.
a sudden, intense, and pleasurable feeling of excitement, shiver, fear, or thrill, often accompanied by a tingling sensation on the skin

trilling, gevoel van spanning

a steady and sharp stare that conveys anger, disapproval, or hostility

boze blik, harde blik

the unrestrained hunger for having more power, wealth, or possession than needed and deserved

gierigheid, hebzucht

extremely quick to show how one feels inside; especially with strong emotions like anger and passion

vurig, passioneel

great excitement, anger, or fear that makes someone unable to control their emotions, and as a result, they start laughing, crying, etc.


displaying intense admiration or devotion that surpasses rationality or reason

afgodsachtig, idolatristisch

a situation or event that causes embarrassment or a loss of respect, particularly when experienced in a public or widespread manner

schande, ontucht

lacking the ability to be comforted due to being too sad or disappointed

ontroostbaar, onverzoenlijk

a feeling of anger or annoyance aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean


a feeling of self-consciousness, restraint, or a limiting factor that hinders the free expression of one's thoughts, emotions, or actions

remming, belemmering

having a desire to learn many different things and asks many questions to gain knowledge or understanding

nieuwsgierig, vragend

the quality of being short-tempered

prikkelbaarheid, ronddobberigheid

to dislike something or someone very much, often with a sense of disgust

verafschuwen, hatred

mentally unbalanced, appearing irrational or dreamy

maanmoe, dromerig

emotionally distressed and worked up

oververmoeid, overdreven emotioneel

a state that provokes bitter emotions like pity, regret, or sadness

ontroering, diepe emotie

frequently or constantly finding fault and complaining

zeurderig, klagend

the feeling of hatred or disgust toward someone or something

afkeer, walging

to feel extremely worried and angry internally while trying not to show it externally

bruisen, kolken

having a gloomy atmosphere that reminds one of tombs or graves

grafachtig, begrafenisachtig

expressing a strong or sincere feeling that comes from within the heart

zielvol, gevoelvol

to really confuse someone by giving them information that is too complex or hard for them to understand

verbijsteren, verwarren

an emotional outburst, usually associated with anger or frustration, that involves screaming, crying, kicking, and sometimes even physical aggression

woede-uitbarsting, huiler

to be in a bad mood and to remain silent and resentful due to feeling upset, angry, or disappointed

treurig zijn, mopperen

experiencing frequent changes in mood or behavior, often in an unpredictable or inconsistent manner

temperamentvol, wispelturig

a state of nervousness or fear, anticipating that something bad may occur

ongemak, vrees

(of the voice or body) shaking in a slight, fragile manner, often due to nerves, fear, age or illness

trillend, bevend

having a feeling or desire that is not returned in the same way by another person

niet beantwoord, eenzijdig

sorrowful in appearance, looking very sad or miserable

treurig, verdrietig