Boek English Result - Upper-intermediate - Eenheid 7 - 7D
Hier vindt u de woordenschat uit Unit 7 t/m 7D in het Engelse Result Upper-Intermediate cursusboek, zoals "climate", "unpredictable", "erosion", etc.
something that causes difficulties and is hard to overcome

probleem, moeilijkheid

the increase in the average temperature of the Earth as a result of the greenhouse effect

globale opwarming, stijging van de gemiddelde temperatuur

transitioning from a solid to a liquid state due to warmth or heat

smeltend, dat smelt

the thick coating of ice that covers a large area, mostly in polar regions

ijskap, ijskappen

the average height of the surface of the ocean in relation to the land, measured over a specific period of time

zeeniveau, hoogte van de zee

a period of hot weather, usually hotter and longer than before

hittegolf, warmtegolf

a long period of time when there is not much raining

droogte, gebrek aan regen

a liquid with no smell, taste, or color, that falls from the sky as rain, and is used for washing, cooking, drinking, etc.


a lack of something needed, such as supplies, resources, or people

tekort, gebrek

unable to be predicted because of changing many times

onvoorspelbaar, variabel

things that are related to air and sky such as temperature, rain, wind, etc.


agricultural products collected from one crop season

oogst, verzameling

things that people and animals eat, such as meat or vegetables

voedsel, eten

a condition in which a person does not have enough food or good food to eat in order to stay healthy


the black or brownish substance consisted of organic remains, rock particles, and clay that forms the upper layer of earth where trees or other plants grow

grond, aarde