Eten, Drinken en Serveren van Voedsel - Drinking
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met drinken, zoals "gulp", "quench" en "swig".
to consume a liquid by swallowing it quickly, often finishing the entire drink in one gulp

in één teug opdrinken, slikken

to put water, coffee, or other type of liquid inside of our body through our mouth

drinken, slurpen

to consume the entire contents of a glass, bottle, or other container that holds a beverage

opdrinken, dronken

to consume a beverage, usually a carbonated or alcoholic one, quickly and in large gulps

gorgelen, snel drinken

to drink in honor of someone or something as a sign of respect, celebration, or good wishes

drinken op, proosten op

to drink a large quantity of a liquid in a hearty, enthusiastic manner

gulzig drinken, enthousiast drinken

to eat or drink noisily by inhaling a liquid or soft food, such as soup or noodles, often with a distinctive, impolite sound

slurpen, slikken

to drink a beverage quickly, often in a casual or informal manner

snel drinken, in één teug drinken

to drink a beverage after a meal to help swallow and digest the food

doorbijten, wegspoelen